I found the following to be an interesting article about this movie:
(Which does not mean I agree with everything in it.It is just food for thought)
They think it has a Satanic angle,and if you think it through they might have a reason,
because the emphasis during the whole movie is on pain and suffering.
And satanists love to see other people suffer,and now they have a 2 hour movie seeing pain inflicted upon their greatest enemy.
There is also some strange symbolism in it:
>"As the Roman soldiers are beating Jesus, the female Satan is suddenly seen gliding through the crowd opposite the Virgin Mary. Suddenly, >as she emerges from behind the body of a soldier, you can see that she is carrying a very white child. Since the movie has... juxtaposed >scenes of the Virgin Mary and of the female Satan, and since Satan is dressed in the same type of Virgin Mother outfit, this demonic scene >must be intended to depict a Virgin Mother - Divine Child scenario.... The baby suddenly turns to look upon Jesus' brutal beating with great >glee..."
I don't remember any passage in the bible about this...