PASSION of the Christ

by myownsaviorthankyoumuch 60 Replies latest social entertainment

  • darkuncle29

    I just got back from seeing this now.

    I was really disinclined to see it just because of all the hype.

    It was a very well put together piece of cinematography.

    The 'experience' for me was NOT religious at all. I saw a group of men interested only in their own power, kill a man through trechery. I saw humans acting inhuman towards another human. The dynamic is alive and well today.

  • BluesBrother

    Forgive me for resurrecting this thread . The film just opened in the U K and we went to see it yesterday .

    I was absolutely gobsmacked . A unique film . An emotional rollercoaster such as I had never expected to experience in a theatre. Not enjoyable but compelling .

    OK , I know that I am speaking as one who has known the events all my life. Jesus Christ is still important to me and that would probably stop me from being able to speak objectively about it as a piece of cinema. It was just so damn powerful . Every whiplash, every thud of the blows made me recoil . I really feel as though I have been an eyewitness myself of the death of Jesus.

    The film had much symbolism that may be lost on those cinema goers who may not know the scriptures. and I am not sure of all that was implied.. But it did make me think again of Jesus .Since I stopped the Witness work , I have pushed all that to the back of my mind because I cannot in good conscience support the WTS

    When it ended I could have sat and stared at the credits and then a blank screen, but of course people around me were leaving..

  • blacksheep

    I saw it. It was an incredibly artistic movie. I honestly don't see what all the hubbub is. It did NOT really move me religiously or even emotionally. You could take any other human and show him being tortured mercilessly (which has certainly happened to humans), and what have you got? A guy being torturned... Frankly, that's what I saw...nothing inspiring at all IMO.

  • LyinEyes

    Blues Brother, I appreciate the way you put your reaction to the movie. When I left the borg , I too after a time,,,,,,,,put Jesus in the back of my mind . This movie made me feel as I did when I was a witness, it reaffirmed things that I know have always been in my heart about The Man since I was a young child.

    When I was a dub , my favorite book ,,,,,,,ever,,,,,,,was the Greatest Man who ever Lived. We could go thru that book over and over and I never got tired of it as I did the other publications. My hubby was the bookstudy conductor and he always made us do extra homework, and always left us at the end of the study with a question , we had to do more research. I cried durning many of the lessons , just as I did with this movie.

    It was a strange feeling, sitting in the audience at the movie, with so many other people , 100's in our small area came to see it, and I was an eyewitness to each and everyone having the same reaction at the end of the movie. Everyone just sat there, in was a learning experience for me to see that other people had the same reaction . I have heard it from most everyone I have talked too, that they had the same reaction,,,,,and it was that powerful .

    It is still being played at the one screen movie theather in our town.

    I am sure there will be many more who will get a chance to see this film in their area and I look forward to hearing everyone's reactions....thanks for sharing Blues.

  • Corvin

    I took my 14 yo daughter to see the movie. We were both moved deeply. We both agreed it was a tremendous movie, but have no desire to see it again.

    The blood and gore were a tad overkill, but apparently Mel Gibson had a point to make with regard to how Jesus really suffered. I get that.

    One person commented on how they liked how Satan was portrayed as a female, however, I thought Satan was portrayed more as an androgenous entity, which I appreciated. That type of manifestation touched a chord in me and creeped me out. I loved the "heal bruising/head crushing" metaphor acted out in the Garden of Gethsemane w hen Jesus was praying.

    Jim (Jesus) Caveisel's prosthetic nose was only noticeable at the end in the ressurection scene.

    I was wondering if, when Jesus finally expired on the cross, the curtain in the Most Holy would be shown torn with the earthquake. Mel hardly missed a thing. Overall, a great movie.+


  • bebu

    I saw it several weeks ago with my 12-year old son. I have to say, with reading all these reviews first, I was well-prepared for something intense.

    I felt strongly that Satan was taunting Jesus with the baby: "you will die, and MY child will live and succeed..."

    I enjoyed thinking about the happy relationship Jesus had with his mom. I loved the flashback when he splashed her with water, to tease her.

    I felt that anyone who might begin to feel hatred for Jews for this injustice were confronted very well by Jesus ardent words at the last supper, to love and forgive your enemies. There is no excuse allowed for anti-semitism; Jesus modeled that forgiveness.

    The ending was perfectly done, imo. But my very favorite moment was when Jesus crushed the snake's head at the beginning. That was powerful.

    I love good cinema very much and this film has every strength. It is definitely a masterpiece.


    (Aside: I take exception to the thought that pain does not measure love. Well, what DOES measure love? Sweet words? Promises with escape clauses? Cut flowers? I love my children, and I know full well that I WANT to choose to die in their stead, if their lives were ever threatened. I do not want their lives to ever be threatened, of course, but if I have a choice to take a bullet for them, or live, I hope in that hard moment I will unhesitatingly choose the bullet. --Not to "prove" anything or get some kind of fame, because I want to be able to do this even knowing in advance that the act would be kept a secret, or even possibly misunderstood by all for a long time. When you love someone, you can put their welfare above your own.)

  • Yerusalyim

    So far in the robbery suspect turned himself in after seeing the movie.

    And a guy that killed his girlfriend (and the cops called it suicide) turned himself in. Good movie.

  • LittleToe

    I managed to get to a preview last Wednesday.
    In the theatre in Glasgow, afterwards, no-one moved until the credits finished and the lights went up.

    I was left feeling numb, by the overall impact, but was moved to tears at several points (in addition to the "motherly" scenes and flashbacks).

    I take it that the "mopping up the blood" scene was a reference to the preciousness of the Eucharist, though it worked on me at a different level, as "a mother on automatic".

    I found the most moving scene to be Pilate, when discussing "truth" with his wife.
    A man caught on the horns of a dilemma, who finally caved regarding his personal convictions.

  • LyinEyes

    Yeru,,,,,,,,,wow,,,,,that is interesting . I havent heard of any thing that dramatic, but have heard alot of people talking about going back to church, and slowing down on their drinking. Many men , who watched the movie and talked about it, had tears in their eyes when speaking of it.

    Little Toe , I was especially looking forward to your reaction to this film. I suspected that it would move you as you said. Personally, I cry at Hallmark commercials, but I have never cried as much from begining to end of a movie, as I did this one. Even for about 2 hours after the movie I couldnt talk much about it and was not myself , even around my kids.

    Before I went to see it, my oldest son, 17, saw it the night before with his g/f's church group. He and her have battles over one thing the most........religion. He gets angry at her because she just doesnt understand what all his religious hang ups are and it is too hard to explain to someone who has never known anything about a cult. She is younger than he is and very shelter so she thinks he should go to church, what's the big deal. She does not get the big picture of what he went thru. It does surprize her and actually makes her made,,,,,,,in a way, ya know, when he proves he knows more about the Bible than she does. She will argue with him , then go look it up, and admit he was right. I guess I can see why she wants him to go to church, since he knows so much and basically believes like I do. That being, we believe in Jesus, but with the Bible as whole we don't have that much confidence. But we both have something in us about Jesus that will just not go away,,,,,,,there is no real logical , thinking reason to believe,,,,,,,,we just do. Maybe it is faith, or it is meant to be , maybe it is a blessing ,,,,but for now I will go with this and build on it.

    I asked my son, if he cried durning the movie,,,,,,,he said he got tears in his eyes, his heart felt like it literally hurt, and he got a lump in his throat. But being he is trying to be so tough on the outside , in front of all those people he knows,,,,,he held his tears the best he could.

    I asked him if I would cry,,,,,,,did he think I would even sob. He looked at me and said........"what do you think?"" sarcasstically, but truthfully. He said it took all he had to not sob, and he knows how I am, and he said he knew exactly what scenes , I would lose it in. He didnt tell me at the time , but said we would talk about it after I saw it.

    When I came home, he was right on every scene that really had me sobbing. Mainly the ones of Jesus and his mother. My oldest son Jake, and I are very close and have always had a special bond,,,,,,,he has always been my world. He was the saving force that kept me going when I had him at 20 yrs old and was still suffering the loss of my mother so terribly.

    That night as me and hubby where watching the tv in our room, Jake came in and laid on our bed, and talked about Jesus , the JW's , his pain over it all, and other life's questions for over 2 hours .

    Now a movie that can get a teenager to open his heart and soul like that,,,,,is damn powerful, I would say.

  • wannabefree

    I finally watchted this movie on Netflix the other day. I have never discussed it with others nor did I read reviews about it so it was completely fresh to me.

    Two major things that hit me ...

    First, I was in awe and moved by seeing what Jesus went through during his last day, wow

    Second, I was disgusted by the arrogance of the "Organization" to seat itself on a throne as a co-ruler with this Jesus and as the gateway to him.

    *** w10 9/15 p. 23 par. 8 "Your Leader Is One, the Christ" ***
    The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ.

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