My Own...
Your "take" on Satan carrying the 'baby' and taunting Jesus was right on. I watched an interview of the actor who played Jesus and a call in viewer asked the same question ... he answered just as you did....
by myownsaviorthankyoumuch 60 Replies latest social entertainment
My Own...
Your "take" on Satan carrying the 'baby' and taunting Jesus was right on. I watched an interview of the actor who played Jesus and a call in viewer asked the same question ... he answered just as you did....
patting myself on the back, thank you double edge, for confirming what i thought, i am an avid movie enthusiast, and there is nothing that i enjoy more, ---well let me rephrase that---- watching movies and discussing them is on the top ten things i really really enjoy doing, the other 9 are subject for other threads
six, im gonna have to agree with you on that, no loving god would put anyone through all that, much less his own "blood", im sure someone who designed galaxies would have a more intellectual approach to saving humanity,--- if indeed it was necessary to do so --- than putting his "only begotten" through so much pain so that we would be saved from our so called "sins", seems like a whole lot of mythology to me,
myown....I will have to agree also. Logically, a loving God would not put ANYONE through what his son, and humankind have gone through in the history of time. I loved the movie for the fact that if indeed Jesus WAS God's son, HE is the one who IMO, is the one to be worshipped. HE is the one who came here and went through hell for some illogical sacrifice. Surely an all-powerful being who created EVERYTHING could have the universe the way HE wants it, right? Not the way some fallen angel decided it should be. Thanks for your take on the "baby." I completely understand now, and frankly feel like an idiot for not "getting" it sooner. DOH
I saw the movie, thought it was great, I'm going again this weekend.
I agree with your take on the baby though I think there's also some symbology involved with Satan being the Father of Lies, etc.
Couldn't agree less on your suppossed use of logic to discount the sacrafice of Jesus. Satan didn't force God into making this the way of salvation...God could have said sneezing forgives our sins...the point of the sacrafice is to let you know what an important thing it is that God did for us by redeeming us.
allow me to expound on the fallacy of inherited sin with an illustration we all know and love, we were droned with the illustration of the dented bread pan for years, all bread made in such would show the mark of the mold, and that is the illustration we were to accept as to show how we inheret sin yada yada yada, but i disagree for though that may hold true, i can use a similar illustration to disprove it, and here it is: if you were to cut the tail off of 2 rats and breed them, the offspring would have a tail, and if you were to cut the tail off of that one and mate it with another who also didnt have one, its offspring would STILL have a tail, food for thought, dont mean to come across as sarcastic or anything, but there is the flip side to the coin
tatiana, i couldnt agree with you more, on a side note to my last comment above, i dont subscibe to submission by guilt, or fear FTS
For me: the movie should have been called "The passion of the Mother" for that is what I focused on. I am a mother of an only boy child. To see her son in so much pain and agony, to see his bloody face.... is enough to drive a Mother nuts. To see her son, after being beaten like that... dragging a cross up a long, slow hill.. was enough to drive me out of the theatre. I mean.. Jesus KNEW what he was getting into. He had to fulfill the prophecy... and his Mother knew that too. But she was just a human.. he was GOD. She was just a lowly human being....and her pain and suffering for her son sent me over the edge. I was okay until I saw her face, then I could identify with her extreme suffering and pain over her boy's destiny. Oh my gawd.. NONE of us would like to see that happen to our children...
So true county girl,,,,,,,,,,,,,the emotion between Jesus and his mother as a smal child and as a suffer man,,,,,,,was more than i could take. My oldest son , 17 and I have a special bond and i can only image Mary's love of Jesus. That was quite empahsised in the movie and touched me so much as a mother. I cried over the part where she is remember Jesus as a small child and then seeing him suffering and falling as a man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,she said,,,,,,,," I am gave him strenght.
For mothers of sons all around the world if we have that special bond , usally it is our first born son,,,in quite a diffent manner than other of our children. Not to mean that we dont love them all as qually , but we do love them in different way, because of personality and circumstances. We expect alot out of our oldest and let the younger ones slide
But all in all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that touched me the most in the whole movie as a human mother I could identify with that part of it.
Let my use another analogy for "inherited" sin. If a father and a mother are alcoholics and raise their children, the children will not necessarily be alcoholics, but are STRONGLY predispositioned to become alcoholic or to have emotional problems. The "original sin" concept of the Catholic Church is basically that we have inherited a "sin nature" we as humans are predispositioned toward sin.
I've seen the movie three times now and it's great MOVIE. I don't care if it's perceived to be anti-Semitic or anti-Italian or somewhat lacking in authenticity. I can tell you it's an excellent piece of film work. The cast is wonderful; the acting is superb. It's a drama so it's is fraught with highly emotional scenes. The cinematography might be the best part of the movie. The one main problem I had with the movie is that it had an overpowering musical score. Personally I think the movie would have been much better without the score. (Could you imagine the Omaha beach scene in 'Saving Private Ryan' with sweeping orchestra music in the background?)
I have to reiterate I'm not a Christian. But that was an excellent drama, on par with anything Shakespeare wrote. I think maybe non-Christian viewers can appreciate the movie better than Christians can, as one of my friends, a Christian, cried her eyes out the whole time, essentially missing the whole movie.