Whether it was 40 years ago or today, a good balanced relationship is difficult to achieve.
I agree with the latter half of that statement, but I think any reasonable person would agree that it's not just better today, it's waaaaaaaaaay better today, givin the total power vacuum for women in the past.
And indeed, much of the pain of modernity stems from the more outrageous sins of the past. That power deficit left women with only one thing to use to achieve any power or control in their lives, S E X. It's no wonder that only 30 or 40 years into gaining a modicum of freedom, that women are using that freedom to be... well... bitches. After all, men have been bastards and assholes for thousands of years, no?
Is the lesson to the above that tit-for-tat () is the justified deal, or even the inevitable? No. IMO, the lesson is that, underneath certain wonderful physical differences (*crosses self*), substancial cultural differences, and a visit from the devil himself once a month, women and men are almost exactly the same.
Of course, all this progress for women has come in part (and certainly with more speed) because some men, many men, have been willing to be bigger than the situation, have been willing to rise above the status quo. They saw the power inequality and saw, unlike Jehovah, that it was not good. Men like dat simply (yeah right, oh that it were simple) have to find women like dat, and vice versa.
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