Hamas Founder DEAD

by Yerusalyim 119 Replies latest social current

  • Richie

    This is from an editorial I came across which I fully agree with:

    The Western Democratized World could spare us their crocodile tears over the violent death of the murderous scum, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the father, founder and "spiritual" leader of the Palestinian TERRORIST group Hamas.

    Yassin has been described as a quadriplegic who was assassinated by an Israeli missile fired from an Apache helicopter. So what if he was a quadriplegic and mostly blind? His hands were soaked with the blood of innocent Jews. Men, women and children.


    Killing the most vulnerable and innocent was his stock in trade. And if the so bereaved international community can take a breath from their sobbing over this thug's death for a moment or two, they might also consider that he was DIRECTLY responsible for the murder of young Palestinians.

    It was through his Koranic exhortations that drove young Palestinians to commit suicide in the act of murdering Jews.

    Where's the world's condemnation for that?

    Last night, I watched an interview with Hanan Ashwari (the US educated Palestinian mouthpiece) where she repeated the same old mantra about humiliation, occupation and all the other great Palestinian platitudes. But what caught my attention was when she said:

    "We (Palestinians) have a right to defend ourselves".

    I want to know how murdering Jews on busses, or at a Pizza Parlour, or at a Passover Seder, or at a restaurant, or at a discotheque, or at a pool-hall, or at a night club, or at a shopping market, all of which happened deep inside Israel, is determined by Hanan Ashwari as the right for the Palestinians to defend themselves?

    Literally seconds after the killing of Yassin, the Palestinians threatened the usual: The gates of hell have been opened. Israeli blood will run through the streets. Yada, Yada, Yada.

    I remember when Saddam promised the Mother Of All Battles. Now I assume he was referring to the battle against lice that infested his hair while he hid out in his spider-hole. These people are so full of self delusional crap, it is a wonder that they exist at all.

    Killing Yassin drives a few very important realities home:

    1) Israeli technology is more impressive than just somewhat.

    Imagine. Here's an Israeli helicopter a significant distance away, that fired a missile at a small moving target, scoring a direct hit, with virtually no collateral damage.

    I would think about that long and hard if I was an enemy of Israel

    2) Israel can get any of the TERRORISTS they want to. It's not as much a matter of ability, as it is a matter of efficiency, and how much or little collateral damage Israel is prepared to inflict.

    3) Killing Yassin demonstrates without equivocation that Israel is not cowed by Arab leadership and the threat of revenge. Every TERRORIST leader, as of the moment Yassin was killed has got to feel that much more vulnerable.

    Despite their tough talk, it isn't the TERRORIST leaders who are willing to commit suicide to murder Jews, it's the young and impressionable they convince to do it for them. The leaders don't want to die.

    4) Israel's security policy and war on TERRORISM isn't going to be fought based upon what the UN and Europe is going to think or say. And if the Arabs thought so before Yassin was taken out, they have good reason to think again.

    5) The Israelis are not going to make the same mistake in leaving Gaza, that they made when they left Lebanon. This time they're going to be leaving a bloodied TERRORIST enemy behind with a clear lesson.

    You didn't drive us out. We decide to leave. And unless you want more, don't screw with us.

    6) The killing of Yassin also sends a very clear message to the Arabs and the rest of the world. Israel is no longer in the nice-guy negotiating mood.

    Israel will pull out of Gaza and much of the West Bank. They will set up their new perimeters along the lines of the Security Fence, which could very well become the defacto border.

    Israel will simply wash their hands of the Palestinians, letting the UN and the rest of the Arab world to deal with them.

    This killing is but one step in a much longer march to full disengagement with the Palestinians. Israel will continue to defend itself from Palestinian, Islamic, and Arab TERRORISM, but it will no longer worry about what the Palestinians think. Nor will they keep a "temporary settlement" presence in Palestinian territories.

    Palestinian problems will be Palestinian problems. Not the problems of Israel. And the whole world, especially the Arab world better be prepared to deal with the mess; because a mess it will be.

    Once Israel completely closes the door on Palestine, there will be nothing left for the Palestinians but hatred, ignorance and poverty. This is what happens when you push too far. This is what happens when you want everything and are willing to give up nothing. This is what happens when you believe you are far greater than what you really are.

    This is what is happening to the Palestinians.

    In spite of the pledges of the Palestinians to kill more Jews, and perhaps attack the USA, nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen as a result of the killing of Yassin, other than a probable reduction in TERRORIST attacks against Israel.

    What the Palestinian leaders have to be concerned with, more than reprisal killings of Jews, is who amongst them is next. Israel has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt their willingness and capability of taking out whomever they want.

    While the Western world (with the exception of the USA) is busily condemning Israel for this violent targeted killing, Israel has just set in motion the kind of policy that will most probably reduce TERROR attacks, and drive TERRORIST leaders further underground.

    Killing Yassin was long overdue. I look forward to the next TERRORIST martyrs who Israel dispatches to Allah. There can't be too many. And it can't happen too soon.

    Richie :*)

  • scotsman

    while it's nice'n handy to blame religious extremism for the causes of terrorism, am I the only person that thinks poverty and extremely poor living conditions also have something to do with it. There's no sole cause to the conflict, just as there's no simple solution. Apart from those neutron bombs of course.

  • Richie

    Scotsman, the Palestinians don't want peace, that's why they are poor.....please read this:

    If Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), the new Palestinian Prime Minister appears to be heading for real peace with Israel, he will be killed. It's as simple as that.

    The men who have everything to lose if Israel and the Palestinians make peace won't let it happen. With a real peace between Israel and the Palestinians there will no longer be a free rein for these bad actors to do their stuff.

    Without a free rein, there will be actual expectations upon them to provide good governance.

    It's easy to always claim that poverty amongst the Palestinians is the fault of Israel. As is every thing else that is bad. But, with peace, REAL PEACE: who will the incompetents amongst the Palestinian Authority have to blame for their shortcomings?

    What about the 40,000 Arafat gunmen, aka the Palestinian police? Will they simply lay down their weapons and find honest employment? Don't bet on it. These guys like their guns and their bully-boy privileges.

    What about the bloated Palestinian bureaucracy? Will they stop living high on the hog and subject themselves to accountability? Not likely. Jet-setting is quite addictive.

    How about the fanatical religious idiots? Will they agree to live beside the Western Jewish Infidels? Only if they want to lose whatever influence they have on the people who are presently cowed into buying their religious dogma.

    And let's not forget about the close to four million Palestinians languishing in these so-called refugee camps. They won't accept a peace deal that doesn't give them a "right of return" to what is now Israel.

    Remember, it's now three generations of Palestinians from the "camps" who have been fed a constant diet of Jew and Israel hating, with the promise that one day "soon", they could go back to their former homes and the homes of their ancestors in pre 1967 Israel, to claim what they gave up in 1948.

    Israel will NEVER agree to give these Palestinians a "right of return". If Israel did, it would be the same as committing national suicide.

    Just because the Americans kicked the crap out of the Iraqis, and are scaring the Syrians, the Iranians and just about everyone else in the Middle East, it changes nothing. It only makes the Western haters, thugs and religious fanatics more careful.

    The Middle Eastern Arabs still hate Israel, Jews, the West and specifically America with the same, if not greater vehemence as they did before the Iraqis caved like a house built of cards. Nothing in this light has changed.

    Then there is Yasser Arafat.

    Arafat created the modern day Palestinians. He guided them into the misery they presently find themselves. And he revels in the power. He is not going to give any of this up without a fight.

    Being the boss of the Palestinians has made Arafat a very rich and famous guy. He likes it.

    We will know that Mahmoud Abbas is serious when either he is killed, or Arafat is killed or driven out of the Palestinian territories.

    For Abbas to honor his commitment to the Rad Map, it will require his commitment to fight a civil war against all of the enemies who have too much to lose if peace ever becomes a reality between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

    That's when we will know. And even then, there will always be enormous pressures upon whomever leads the Palestinian people. There will always be those who have the capacity to undo whatever peace treaty is done. And peace at best will probably mean only fewer Jewish murder victims at the hands of Arab terrorists.

    In the meantime, Israel should continue upon the path to peace, understanding that this most current path is no less perilous than the previous one called Oslo.

    I trust the Middle Eastern Arabs to always be true to form, culture and nature. And even though everything looks pretty promising today, Israel should continue to build the wall. This is a worn path already traveled far too many times.

    Richie :*)

  • rem

    I'm not sure about that. Probably the majority of the Earth's population live in poverty and poor living conditions, yet only an extremely small minority resort to terrorism. Among the terrorists are the fairly wealthy. I think to be a terrorist, you need to lose that part of you that says killing innocent people is bad. I know of nothing better than religious extremism to fuel such hate. True there are other factors, but I think fundamentalism is probably the most potent.


  • talesin


    no, you're not the only one

  • scotsman

    It's funny how wise so many of us on this board are. Someone from the UN should be monitoring and we'd have world peace before Easter.

  • Satanus

    Somebody on this thread voiced the thought that idf (israeli defence forces) doesn't target civilians. Idf doesn't care about any classification like that. If idf thinks they are a threat, are a source for info, harbor someone percieved as a threat, attempting to protect their home that is slated for demolition, or are in the way, they are toast.

    This was amply demonstrated when rachel corrie was run over by an idf bulldozer. She had been standing in plain sight on a small pile of dirt, in front of the dozer, trying to protect a house from demolition. The driver drove right over her. Also, have a look at the number of kids killed by the idf in the last 3 and one half yrs, since sharon's stroll near al aqsa:

    According to a spokeswoman for the East Jerusalem-based Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (HRMG), the Israeli army and paramilitary Jewish settlers have killed 263 Palestinian children from age 0-14 and 236 minors from the age of 15-18 during the ongoing Intifada.

    The total number of Palestinians killed by Israel since the outbreak of the Intifada is estimated at 2670.

    The figures for the injured and maimed are believed to be in the thousands.

    The number of Israelis killed by Palestinians during the same period is around 838, including soldiers, settlers and civilians.

    Israel claims its army does not target Palestinian civilians deliberately but admits, rather grudgingly, that the killing is carried out knowingly.

    However, human rights groups argue forcefully that, in the final analysis, killing knowingly is killing deliberately.



  • avishai
    while it's nice'n handy to blame religious extremism for the causes of terrorism, am I the only person that thinks poverty and extremely poor living conditions also have something to do with it.

    So the suicide bombers @ lockerbie were poor? How about 911?

  • Crazy151drinker

    Why dont we just move all the Jews to Britian? The Palastinians could have their homeland back and there would be no more fighting. Im sure Simon wouldnt mind moving in the name of Peace

  • scotsman

    I may be wrong, but there was no suicide bomber on the Pan Am flight that exploded above Lockerbie. I didn't state that all terrorists were poor. But poverty does provide much of the backdrop to life in Gaza. My reason for mentioning poverty was in response to the the simplistic notion that Islamic terrorism arises from a purely religious programme. Religion is involved in Northern Ireland, but the reasons behind the terrorism are complex.

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