Hamas Founder DEAD

by Yerusalyim 119 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus


    Some of the treatments meted out to palestinians: bedouin crops sprayed/killed for yrs in a row by idf, treated worse than animals at checkpoints by israeli souldies, kids playing being randomly shot at by idf in tanks, kids see their fathers humiliated/killed by idf, palestinian families in jerusalam being evicted in the middle of the night by israelis w guns pointed at the kids, houses of civilians bulldozed. This list goes on and on. These and other treatments may explain the attitudes of older palestinians, if they grew up w it. They are other examples of what my quotes above were talking about, when they said that israel lights it's own fires.


  • L_A_Big_Dawg


    I agree with you. There has been many instances of Israeli atrocities. However, I look back in American history and I see one group that was discriminated against. In fact, I was watching a movie about the genesis of that movement earlier today. The leader's movement had his home bombed, and life threatened, and he did respond with violence. In fact, he is the modern example of how to respond to terrorist violence.

    Perhaps, if the Palestinians responded in the manner of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the Palestinians would not have the issues they have today. Or better yet perhaps they could have accepted the U.N. solution the problem would have been remedied. The facts are that the leadership chose not to. The would rather allow their anti-semitic ideals (as promoted by Sheik Ahmed Kassin) to be carried out by young men in the land that was legally deeded to the Israelis.

    I pointed this out to the young man that I was dialoging with on Saturday, and he dismissed them as you did. Two wrongs don't make a right. In my opinion, support for the Palestinians by the American citizenery would explode if the Palestinians did two things: 1) renounce and end all terrorist acts, and 2) respond to Israeli aggression with non-violent protest.

    Sadly, I don't think that will ever happen.

  • imallgrowedup

    I agree that this is truly is a knotty problem, yet I also think that it has become more complicated as time goes on. I honestly believe that the Palestinians are the perpetrators of the majority (not all) of the violence that occurs between the two peoples, and that it is about time they are getting their come uppance in a big way. I look at it this way:

    The land formerly known as Palestine was a part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Because it was land under the umbrella of another nation, the Palestinians were essentially "renters" with the right to occupy that land until the "owners" said otherwise - or new owners came in and set it up differently. When the Turks eventually ceded the land to other nations (the British and the French, if my memory serves me correctly) who became the new "landlords" (for want of a better term), it was decided to divide the area up and allow the Jews to live there - side-by-side with the Palestinians. Whether or not anyone wants to admit it, there was an honest attempt at fairness here. The Palestinians could have been completely booted from the area because it was never their land to begin with, but instead, an attempt was made to placate both sides. However, the Palestinians, angry over being outed from certain portions of land (that they understandably felt as if should have been theirs since their ancestors had been there for generations) - decided that if the Jews were going to live on land that they perceived to be theirs - but actually wasn't - then they were not going to "play ball". As a result, the Palestinians - BY CHOICE - gave up any of their opportunities to have any say in the matter. Yet all these years later, they want the world to see them as victims of the mean Jewish people who came and robbed them of land that was NEVER theirs, for decisions that the Jews had no more of a say in than they did, and for their OWN CHOICE (by not cooperating) to allow ALL the land they wanted to go to the Israeli's. To add fuel to the fire, the Palestinians, who already had a burning hatred for the Jews, made a PUBLIC DECLARATION that they would never peaceably live with the Jews. And they have made good on this statement over and over again. History books show that it was the Palestinians who fired the first shots onto the Israeli people in this ongoing territorial battle. The truth of the matter is that the Palestinians will never rest until they have complete control over land they deem to be theirs (but never was!) and all Jews within a nuclear missle's shot are dead. Additionally, the Palestinians perpetrate the half-truth that this ongoing battle is about land. The broader picture clearly demonstrates that this is as much about Jewish annihilation, if not more so, than it is about land. If the Palestinians truly wanted peace, they would have accepted and lived by one of the many peace treaties that have been offered to them through the years. But they have consistently chosen violence instead - and they have the nerve to call the Israeli's terrorists?! The Israeli's have never made a public declaration that they want to see the complete destruction of the Palestinian people! The Israeli's have tried - most notably in the past - to make concessions with the Palestinians, yet, the Palestinians refuse to accept anything less than complete control of that region! They can not and will not accept that Israel has the right to exist. They downright refuse to acknowledge that the land was never theirs to begin with, and that the land owners who gave the land to the Israelis had the right to give the land to whomever they pleased! I am not without compassion for the displaced Palestinian people - don't get me wrong - but I do NOT have compassion for those who choose to wage war on the Israeli's simply because the two were forced to be neighbors. Quite frankly, I am glad to see that Sharon is not sitting back and taking it anymore! Bravo for him and for the Israeli's! They should be fighting back! It bugs me to death that there are people who eat up the Palestinian propaganda that they are being terrorized by the Israeli's! That is utter bull especially in the face of the numerous opportunities the Palestinians have had over the years to come to an agreement with the Israeli's and call a truce once and for all to this whole matter! What does the world expect? For the Israeli's to just sit out in front of the local drug store smoking cigarettes, sipping sasparilla, and feeding the birds while the Palestinians are making good on their PUBLIC DECLARATION to rid the world of their entire race?

    I say that the nation of Israel has a right to exist, and the Palestinians are getting what has been coming to them for a looooooooooong time. Now that the leader of Hamas is gone, I hope they get that "harmless" Arafat out of the way next. That will truly be a day to celebrate.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Good thing the SOB is dead. It needs to be real costly to be a terrorist leader. Arafat??

  • Yerusalyim


    You suprise me.

    I'll reiterate...if the Palistenians would adopt non-violence...this would all be over quickly...IF their motive is a homeland...if their motive is the destruction of Israel...they will lose.

  • Panda

    I'm glad he's dead.

    As for history of the middle East, might we not say the the lies and deceit by the colonizers of the 19th century mid-east had something to do with the "trouble" which erupted when the colonizers pulled out of Israel. Of course, the colonizers didn't leave for any altruistic pangs of conscience. After WWII, Europe was out of $$$ to support any of the mid east or Asian colonies. So the French left VietNam and the Brits left Palestine.

    Just imagine no religion, no ignorance --- imagine.

  • donkey
    The questions I ask of myself: Doesn't Israel deserve a homeland? On the other hand, the land was taken from the Palestinians and they had no say in the matter ...

    yeah look how well this UN solution panned out?

  • patio34

    Wow, this is a huge subject that goes back a very long way and I don't think a comment on one person's death could have an isolated setting. It's who started what and who did what in a very long violent conflict.

    Of course, the US has its allies, but the Palestinians have their side of the story too. Whatever happened to the ballyhooed "Roadmap to Peace"? (Rhetorical question.)


  • imallgrowedup
    yeah look how well this UN solution panned out?

    Don't even get me started on the ineffectiveness of .... what did you call it?.... The.... UN?!


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Another interesting book on the history of the Jewish people and an area around Jerusalem is "The Source" by James Michener. I don't blame them for wanting a homeland where at least only their enemies are trying to kill them, not their own government (as what happened in Poland and Germany).

    I know people who live in Israel. They would fight to the death for their country. I suspect if I was surrounded by an overwhelming force of my enemies, who have sworn to destroy me, and my country, I would fight back just as hard. I wish there was peace in the Middle East, but that is not remotely possible without the Arabs accepting Israel's existance.

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