Yeru, I virtually never think this of anyone as I firmly believe that education is the key, and intelligence is over-rated... but do you even understand this discussion?
It's not ad hominum...the pro-abortion crowd are morally defunct...
That by definiton is an ad hominum.
I make no bones about it.
Well, it takes a while for you to be really honest about what you think -and you still don;t admit your beliefs are religous as then you know your argument would be indefensable, but we get you near there in the end; it's refreshing to have the pretences about a woman having rights over her own body fall away so we can see what lies beneath.
It's a valid part of the arguement.
So you say. But as you demonstrate you don't understand the argument, what you think is a valid argument doesn't amount to dick.
As is my point Hitler and Himmler could have used some of the rational stated here to justify how they handled the mentally disabled in Germany.
That just shows you don't understand the arguments presented in favour of freedom of choice, as none of those arguments could be used (except by an idiot) to justify euthanising the mentally ill. I don't think you're an idiot.
I don't want a vengeful God to kill you, I want a tender loving god to convert your heart.
You didn't want a vengeful god to do that, but other anti-choicers DO. Some anti-choicers will even engage in terrorist activities to support their beliefs. And a tender loving god could sort out some dying babies in Africa FIRST; they're far more important than my heart.
You know how I say you don't understand the argument; look at this;
And here you imply all 'human lives' are the same on account of their DNA. Had Himmler known of DNA...he would have used this arguement too. YOU decide the value of human life?
Here you're saying had Himmler know of DNA he would have used this to argue that all humans lives are the same. I know you don't mean that. Try reading what yopu write - AND what other people write. Oh, and it seems YOU are just as guilty of deciding the value of human life.
This is a ridiculous arguement...unless we're talking about saving twins in a mother's womb.
No Yeru; you argue all human lives are equally valuable; I show that your argument is false.
Again, this arguement could be used by Himmler...or any racist.
How can an argument based on a massive difference in self-awareness be twisted to promote racism? Unless it's by a mud-slinging anti-choicer who's showing their true colours; if you can beat them, lie about them. How Christian.
There was a time in this country when Abortion was also considered wrong...and a time in history when infanticide was considered morally acceptable...again this is an invalid arguement.
Yeru, infanticide involves the destruction of a self-aware being. That's why it's illegal and why people accept it is wrong. Abortion (at least the early term abortions I have been consistantly refering to) don't involve the destruction of a self-aware being.
Pet Rats don't have Human DNA.
And you're still saying that if it has human DNA it's life is equal in value to anything else with human DNA; you can carry on saying it, it doesn't make it true.
First, they are human; the discussion is broadly about whether a human fetus has the same rights as a human baby.
Why Not?
If you'd bothered either reading what you wrote, or reading what I wrote, you'd of made a sentence that made sense.
Anecdotally, the vast majority of the proabortion crowd refuse to acknowledge the babies are either human or alive until AFTER birth.
What you mean is you don't have the evidence to support your claim... just another instance (and I can quote 'em if you like) where you magically have 'anecdotal evidence' to back-up a bad argument. Lying is bad Yeru, ignorance ain't much worth more; are you ignorant of the facts or are you lying? As a matter of fact, most people who are pro-choice are in favour of a maximum term being set for most abortions, but when have facts got in the way of slinging mud in an attempt to win an argument?
You're so funny;
Ahhh, that slippery slope arguement again. I'm not part of the "religious right" yet I support this law.
Firstly, you show why you constantly use slippery slope arguments yourself; I suggest you actually learn what one is, as that wasn't one. Secondly, you're known for your religion and your right-wing beliefs. Your agenda is motivated by many of your religious beliefs. That makes you part of the religious right, even if other parts of the religious right would look down on you as a papist.
They will campaign for laws that infringe upon the arena of fetal rights as a stepping stone for more anti-abortion legislation.
According to you...a fetus has no rights.
'Impinge upon the area of fetal rights' is firstly not an assertion that they have rights, but a statement that certain moves by the anti-choicers are pertinant to the discussion of whether fetuses have rights. Do you have problem with the sentencs, or is it you're just skip-reading and making yourself look sily as a result? Your reading comprehension isn;t normally bad, but you suck in this post.
Secondly, I think fetuses have rights at a certain point, but these are subordiante to preserving the mother's life unless she wishes (in the vanishingly few cases where there is a choice of baby or mother) otherwise.
Dude, it's murder a distinct human life was taken.
Yes, we know you think that. You keep on saying it. It repetiton was rightness you would be the most right man on the board. Add 'wing' in there and we might be closer to the truth.
AND, no talk about taking any action that would require effort on your part to reduce abortions. Which makes my earlier point nicely.
No worries, I understand where you came from with that comment now... I did wonder about the about-face! Having been there and supported one girl through her decisons (which I would of done even if they'd been contrary to mine), I am perhaps a little sensitive - sorry.