Abortion, and the population explosion, what your veiw.

by frankiespeakin 134 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • funkyderek
    As to the morning after pill...do you REALLY want that available widely? How do we then begin to deal with people that slip the MAP to their spouse, lover, enemy, etc??

    That's just beyond absurd. You think a contraceptive pill should be banned because of the possibility of someone surreptitiously giving it to somebody else? It's not particularly dangerous, it's only function is to prevent implantation of a recently (<72 hours) fertilised ovum. Guns you're OK with, but a pill that, in the wrong hands, could potentially cause a woman who had only just become pregnant to lose a baby she wouldn't know she was going to have, you see as too dangerous? Just what exactly is going through your head when you come out with nonsense like that?

  • peacefulpete

    If we could impress on just onwe generation to limit their offspring to one child the world's population problem (and it is the greatest threat to environmental and health today) would be handled. Unfortunately the world's poorest (for economic and education reasons) will not likely change behaviors anytime soon, requiring the affluent nations to take the lead in controlling their population growth. The answer is mandated sterilization after one or two children, nothing else will work. I'm aware of how that sounds, but it is time for us to recognize that the needs of society outweigh traditionally personal choices.

  • Yerusalyim


    No, I think the contraceptive pill should be banned because abortion is a horrible thing...that's just adding to the list of reasons.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    My sincere opinion is that the following events are great population control methods:

    1. Natural Disasters

    2. Man-made disasters/tragedies

    3. Abortion

    Of course, I'm sure not to see it the same light once me or any of my close relatives/friends is affected by the above-mentioned. However, population has to be controlled somehow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Alright, enough sarcasm. I stand by my comment, although cruel to some.


  • Crazy151drinker

    Ok, follow the Logic

    1) Leftwing "greenies" want to save the earth

    2) Over population is a huge threat to the earth- via land destruction, pollution, etc..etc..

    3) We need to prevent Over population

    4) War is a great way to get rid of people! WWII got rid of 25 Million+

    5) Henceforth, Leftwing "greenies" should be PRO WAR and should stop protesting

    6) Also, they should be against any type of immunization, disease research, food aid, disaster aid, health care...etc..etc...

    7) Since left wing Greenies seem to support these programs, it once again shows how uterly confused they are

  • frankiespeakin


    I think it much better if we learn how to live at peace with nature,, and take non violent measures to bring the human population down to about 1/2 a billion or maybe 1 billion.

    Of coarse every one has to see the incentives for doing so,, I would welcome more public debates on the seriousness of over population.

    You know we have so many smart people that can come up with a workable solution,, but it doesn't seem to be a priority,,right now,, too bad because eventually,, not us,,, but future generations,,, will have it very difficult because of the damage to the enviroment.

    We've evolved a brain that can handle complexe problems,,we have evolved better justuice systems,, we are learning about ourselves,, maybe evolution,, will bring us to the verge of extinction and at that point we will do something,, but i hope it is much sooner than that.

    Nature has it way of bringing us back to reality,, our population will be controlled,, whether we do it ouselves in wisdom,, or let nature take over,, the human population will be controlled.

  • talesin


    Actually, we have a much simpler solution,


  • FlyingHighNow

    Here's something to think about: when I was visiting California last year, I heard something interesting on the TV news. They were saying that the Hispanic population will outgrow and surpass the Caucasian population in California in the fairly not so distant future. This is because they are not limiting the size of their families to the extent that other races are.

    I think it's interesting that they expect the population of India to surpass China's population in numbers as well. Then think of all the abortions in China performed to get rid of female babies. Lots of guys running around and very few women in the future? Interesting to ponder isn't it?

    So the world 100 and more years from now will be look very different in racial terms than it does today. It's something interesting to think about. We could make our race "extinct" sort of by using birth control, abortion and throwing in natural disasters, etc. Wouldn't it be interesting to see Caucasians and female Chinese peoeple disappear? Or would that be the white supremacist's and straight Chinamen's worst nightmare?


  • Atilla

    Recently, the author Naomi Wolf came to our campus to talke about Getting Drunk and Hooking Up. There was an open and honest discussion about why teens do this if in the end it doesn't provide lasting happiness. We arrived at the fact that we kids don't like to take the time for normal relationships and yes girls get horny too, so why not hook up randomly. It made me sad that I missed the 60's where contaception more widely avalaible and disease was less prevelent.

    We also talked about the explosion of the porn industry and how this has affected sexual relations especially among youngsters. I also found it interesting how sex education in school often misses the point about the clit and how to make your lady happy. Male ejaculation is almost always taught but the ladies seem to miss out. Thus the overall point is that if the ladies are more in charge and able to tell the guys how they want it, they will also be able to tell them to put the condom on as well, there problem solved.

  • FlyingHighNow
    to put the condom on as well, there problem solved.

    Always, always use a condom but be aware that they often do break.

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