Abortion, and the population explosion, what your veiw.

by frankiespeakin 134 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    I guess we both may have different ideas on the word "should" no biggy,, hate to bog this subject down with splitiing hairs.

    That the way language metaphors are, they are alway limited by the definitions we give to words.

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Comes down to people taking responsibility for their actions. Some would rather do as they please and resort to whatever means necessary to absolve themselves of any reprocussions. Sad and pathetic. Would that there were truly a vengeful god to meet out justice for all.

    Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Abaddon
    Comes down to people taking responsibility for their actions. Some would rather do as they please and resort to whatever means necessary to absolve themselves of any reprocussions. Sad and pathetic. Would that there were truly a vengeful god to meet out justice for all.

    Thunder Rider, you can think abortion is bad. You have that right. The only reason you think it is 'sad and pathetic' that people will 'absolve themeselves of the reprocussions' is you think abortion is bad. You have a nice circular argument going there.

    You can think abortion is bad. People can say abortion is murder. The assertions made by the anti-choice lobby are not automatically true.

    Did you notice anyone on the pro-choice side of the debate wishing there was a vengeful god to meet out justice for all? Let's face it, in your opinion that would probably include vengence on those who have abortions.

    I notice no one on the anti-choice side of the debate has yet answered any questions regarding equivalency (other than by assertion or repetiton, and that's not an answer).

    I also notice that still, those who claim to care for the unborn have not made ONE suggestion as to how to help the unborn that doesn't involve imposing their opinion upon other people. They're willing to criticise, condemn, moralise, invoke the wrath of god even.

    But actually offer to help support pregnant women during pregnancy so they are encouraged to offer their child up for adoption? Set up orphanages for children not aborted who are waiting for parents? Adopt children who would otherwise have been aborted?

    No, not one. Thus I still feel that the concern for the unborn is secondary to their desire to impose their opinion on others.

  • donkey


    Not one of them even wants to define why abortion is murder. They are unable to define what makes us human. Now that's an indictment of their argument if ever I saw one...

  • funkyderek
    Would that there were truly a vengeful god to meet out justice for all.

    Unfortunately for you, vengeful gods are rare these days so if you want your interpretation of justice to be meted out, you're going to have to make a case for it like everybody else.

  • donkey

    Now having some dude call for God to smite me is funny indeed.

    "Smite him down God!!! God...God....God??? Damn you God why don't you listen to me, I am the good guy?"

  • Abaddon

    Spot the mistake:

    You get out of cult where you think god will smite people who don't agree with you and then wish there was a god to smite people who don't agree with you.

    The pagan gods are good at smiting, Thor especially. He has a magic hammer. But no ones seen much of them recently, although it's alleged that Thor is actually now a long-distance lorry driver... who wonders why it has rained whereever he gone... for the past 43 years...

    Until the big JC PR make-over Je-hober was well into smiting. A bit indiscriminate... women... children... but he could smite with the best of mythological entities.

  • donkey

    jehober the al-smighty god

  • frankiespeakin

    I think we can think much more clearer without the vengeful diety.

    When we get him out of the way,, by recognizing,, that man's consciousness is evolving and these myths served a purpose,,then,, and still does BTW ,,because man's knowledge of his world is still very much incomplete,, and of necessity we must go thru this beleif in myths,,, and being we have a better understanding,, that as what we "now" consider this a primative understanding of man and his world, we have drop so many myths but this YHWH one seems to have a particular hold on many due to the "faith" doctrine.

    Will wel forever perhaps?? be doing away with myths?? some will be quick to catch on some will be slow in this process but progress will continue. Won't it??

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    That anyone could even attempt to argue in favor of ending the life of innocents is beyond me, no beneath me. Choosing to behave in a way that spawns life brings the responsibility to care for and cherish said life. There are couples out there that have to take fertility treatments in the hope of experiencing the blessings of pregnancy, child rearing and family. That some have total disdain for the same disgusts me.

    If I don't want to be hit by a car, I don't play in the street. I make a conscious choice based on common sense. Sex can and often does lead to pregnancy. If you don't want the kid, don't engage in the act, or at least use a friggin rubber!

    Make your excuses, explain it away any way you want. In the end right will always be right.

    Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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