I do agree that a woman should have control over her body and her reproduction...I just disagree with the seeming majority here who think that the fetus with a completely different DNA profile is part of the woman's body.
It is; baby -> umbilical cord -> placenta -> uterus. This is not an area of opinion, there is no seperation between the bodies and one is contained in the other - simple facts, as is the amount of nerve tissue in a 12-week fetus being less than that in a pet rat.
You can credibly say you have a belief that human life is sacred from the moment of conception, but you are trying to associate your beliefs with facts that do not support your beliefs and actually lose credibiltiy as a result.
There is a HUGE difference between being physically mature enough to reproduce...and being mentally mature enough to make responsible reproductive choices. Sure, teach sex ed...but make sure that abstienence is a part of that education program. The answer to teen pregnancy isn't having girls going around popping the pill.
Actually, condoms are far better. And abstinance is being taught at the cost of knowledge on how to prevent STDs and pregnancy. Not good.
I'm still in favor of desexualizing society...and that's got to come from parents...and consumers. Do we really want our kids watching programs that glorify casual sex? Use sex to sell anything and everything? I'm not a prude...but I'm doing a lot of thinking on this here lately...I feel a thread coming on.
WHY do you want other people to desexualise themselves because you say so? Are you saying you've never had glorious casual sex? Your suppositon is sex is bad because sex is bad...
You can't just saythat sex is bad because of the consequences, as other countries show that you can be sexually liberal and not have those consequences.
Therefore your opposition to sex is just an opinion, which of course you have every right to.
I do agree that the huge double standard displayed over sexuality is damaging, but only because some countries are teaching abstinance and negelecting sexual education whlst glorifying sex at every opportunity; no wonder kids get pregnant...