IMHO, this is a debate that should be over in mere minutes, but will probably rage forever, that is because it is based on a non-number. That number is at what age the baby begins life.
At what point does the baby gain the right to live? The ONLY event where there is a definitive point in life is conception. Is there any event after that which shows the beginning of a living organism? No! If you say that life begins at birth, then what differentiates a baby that will be born tomorrow, from a baby that has just been born? Again, nothing.
I find it interesting that there has recently been a law passed somewhere (in USA, I think maybe CA?), that says that if a person kills someone, and in the process the unborn baby dies, then they can and will be tried for two counts of murder. Does it really matter who is doing the killing? Some guy with a knife, or a doctor?
I know I unfortunately still have some of the black and white (no grey area) view of certain matters I got from the b0rg, but I personally cannot see where a definitive point lies in what is murder and what is abortion. Why is it murder if a woman kills her baby after birth, but completely legal for her to kill it beforehand?
Just my humble opinion. Each to their own. The beautiful thing about being out of the Troof is that we can all have differing opinion, and still enjoy each other's company.
Ahhh screw it:
Futher Mucking Elder-type dude