Abortion, and the population explosion, what your veiw.

by frankiespeakin 134 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • funkyderek
    A man being an advocate for abortion is to me as bad as me being for sanctioned castration. From a womens point of view hey what is so bad about chopping off some testicles?

    Are you incapable of having opinions on issues that don't directly relate to forty-year-old white married American women? Should your opinions be judged on their own merit, or because of who or what you are?

  • Crazy151drinker

    Well if men were castraded we wouldnt have to worry about Abortions now would we?? Any anti-abortion males willing to be the first martyr for the cause??

  • frankiespeakin

    I think that abortion is something that if it is necesarry, because of what ever reasons it should be preformed as soon as possible, so as to minimize risk to the mother.

    I aslo,, don't see abortion as sinful,, because if it was a sin against some supreme creator he wouldn't allow it to happen naturally in the first place,, as it does so often. To me he might as well get mad at himself because that is part of life.

    I don't feel that one should be casual about ending a potential life, unless one is a doctor or nurse that preforms abortions to help these poor women in kindness. And hopefully they will be alot more careful so they never have to get another one.

    Shiela, I feel,,,you have "real" concern for all people.

  • SheilaM

    Thanks Frankie...I try to see things from more than just my point of view.
    Funky that comment was meant tongue in cheek sorry you didn't realize I was being facitious

  • Yerusalyim
    I aslo,, don't see abortion as sinful,, because if it was a sin against some supreme creator he wouldn't allow it to happen naturally in the first place,, as it does so often. To me he might as well get mad at himself because that is part of life.

    So anything that occurs naturally is NOT a sin? Death occurs naturally...so if I kill you...it's not a sin? I'll say it again as I've said before,,,it's really often not the act...but the intent...that is sinful. Here's another confession...I don't want abortion to be illegal...I just want it to NOT be used as birth control...or approached casually. A life is being ended.

    A teenager shouldn't be able to have an abortion without the parents at least being informed before hand. A fourteen year old can't have liposuction...etc without full consent of the parents...abortion should be no different.

  • hooberus
    I do agree that a woman should have control over her body and her reproduction...I just disagree with the seeming majority here who think that the fetus with a completely different DNA profile is part of the woman's body.

    I agree, it is much more accurate to say that it is a separate human inside of another humans body, rather than say that it is a part of a humans body. Just becaiuse it is for a period of time contained within another body does not mean that it is the same human.

    As for the claim that since the baby is "connected" to the mother by the umbilical cord that the baby is 'part of the womans body,' I also find this to be poor reasoning. A nursing 14 month old is also "connected" to his mothers body (by way of the nipple) yet it would be poor reasoning to equate him as being part of a womans body. Kill a 14 month old while it is attched and nursing and tell the judge: "He was a part of my body and I have a right to do what I want with my body" and see what happens.

  • talesin


    words fail me, and that doesn't happen too often


    Sound logic, and rest assured when I tell you. In my experience, few women have abortions casually or as a 'regular' method of birth contol. Most do not plan or want to have this procedure, and spent time agonizing and/or grieving over the decision. At least, all the women I know that have had one. Yes, it does happen and should not be used as such, but it is rare.

    Why for the love of god, does the government (yours and mine) not make the Morning After Pill more available? It is just a birth control pill that you take up to 72 hours after the unprotected sex. It works exactly like the pills people take every day, it's just a strong dose. It's NO BIG DEAL. So many unwanted pregnancies could be avoided.

    arrrrrrrr, matey, I don't know what to think of it, arrrrrr so much stupidity in our society


  • donkey
    it is much more accurate to say that it is a separate human inside of another humans body

    Ah, this is 1 step closer.

    From this respect (ie. if it is a human) then abortion is murder right? Jus as killing a non-human living being is not murder right? For example killing a chimpanzee is noit murder (in a totally legal sense anyway). But then we have a conundrum...the chimpanzee has a 99% DNA match to humans. The chimpanzee is more intelligent than a living baby (not a fetus). But we have to agree the chimpanzee is not human. So what is it that makes us human? This is the whole crux of the true argument because without the definition of a living organism being human then we cannot classify ending it's life as murder...

  • Yerusalyim


    We've apparently been talking to different people then. I've heard it more than once..."I didn't want to get pregnant...not now."

    What kind of protection did you use. "None."

    Well F'ing Duh!

    One of the potential consequences of sex is pregnancy...abortions done for any reason other than the health of the mother are "birth control" It's a shame people will kill a baby for a nights pleasure.

    As to the morning after pill...do you REALLY want that available widely? How do we then begin to deal with people that slip the MAP to their spouse, lover, enemy, etc??

  • Abaddon


    Once again you advance behaviour of people you've met et. al. to support an argument that isn't supported by average behavioour.

    Once again you cite a slippery slope argument to condemn something you don't like (morning after pill).


    Firstly, we all know your objection to abortion (as Yeru's) is based on your religious beliefs; dressing it up in clothes of 'science' or 'logic' is just something you do to try make your beliefs more palitable, a different process to belieiving in what evidence and logic supports.

    Second you're comparing a born child with a brain that is already highly developed (and no one is arguing for the right to kill 14 month-olds, it just suits your argument to make that comparison) to an unborn with grammes of nerve tissue. Most aborted fetuses have less brain matter than household pets.

    Third you are comparing breast-feeding with pregnancy when a born baby is not dependant on its mother in the way an unborn is.

    You're entitled to your own opinion, but the 'facts' you chose to support it don't.

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