Well lets get back to the first part of the subject title: Mind Control. It's actually not so much about the book as it is about the mind itself, the bible just happens to be the data set in this case.
I would say faith has a different connotation, although most people seem to have no clue and couldn't differentiate between that and belief anyway. If there is any externalizing like pointing to the bible as the particular book, then it may be an indication that the actual mental behavior of belief is not really seen HERE, in one's own mind. That would be missing the point just as much because it could happen again in a different form. What you believe in is not nearly as significant as the process and movement of belief - simply that you DO believe. You can argue the bible or any book is not worth believing in, and I can say the same thing about Lord of the Rings - but there's no need to draw attention to that in particular.
In short, if you see through the behavior of belief it automatically takes care of belief in any particular thing. On the other hand, just eliminating one object/data set still leaves you open to the same unconscious behavior - that would be like always being in bad relationships. Sooner or later one has to look at what part they are playing in it and face the fact that it isn't always the other.