Realist, On Israel

by Yerusalyim 95 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim

    Great posts guys, keep it coming. Richie, that is an excellent example of why I now watch Fox News.

  • ThiChi

    Syrian President Hafez Assad once told PLO leader Yassir Arafat:

    "You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian People, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people."

  • Simon

    More semite republican propaganda and bullshit.

    I really wish Americans would wake up to the fact that they are being ridden like a cheap whore by their "ally" Isreal.

  • ThiChi

    So when the Arabs speak of an historical "Palestinian people," this is false and they know it! The Land of Israel was virtually uninhabited when the Jews began their return ["Zionist Movement"] in the late 1800's. The vast majority of Arabs came to Israel after these Zionist pioneers began to rebuild the land and thereby creating the economic opportunities and medical availabilities which attracted Arabs from both surrounding territories and far-away Arab lands!

    Terrorism, slaughter, rape and carnage by the Arabs against the Jews began as soon as the Jews began to resettle the barren land and largely uninhabited lands, continued through the British Mandatory period after World War I, continued again after the Jews declared a Jewish Palestinian home [Israel] in 1948 and is still continuing today.

    The Palestinian claim that the Land for centuries sustained a thriving Palestinian culture is not authorized by the facts of history. Yet the world community has given this claim a receptive hearing. PLO Chairman Yassir Arafat in his speech before the UN in 1974 declared, "The Jewish invasion began in 1881...Palestine was then a verdant area, inhabited mainly by an Arab people in the course of building its life and dynamically enriching its indigenous culture."

    What happens when this claim is compared with the personal observations of the following recognized authorities? In 1738 Thomas Shaw observed a land of "barrenness...from want of inhabitants." In 1785 Constantine Francois de Volney recorded the population of the three main cities. Jerusalem had a population of 12,000 to 14,000. Bethlehem had about 600 able-bodied men. Hebron had 800 to 900 men. In 1835 Alphonse de Lamartine wrote, "Outside the city of Jerusalem, we saw no living object, heard no living sound...a complete eternal silence reigns in the town, in the highways, in the country...The tomb of a whole people."

    In 1857, the British consul in Palestine, James Finn, reported, "The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is that of a body of population."

    The most popular quote on the desolation of the Land is from Mark Twain's The Innocents Abroad (1867), "Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies...Palestine is desolate and unlovely...It is a hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land."

    ...The records of history simply do not confirm today's Palestinian claim of Palestinian roots and culture in a "verdant area" since the Arab rule of the land (A.D. 640-1099).

  • Yerusalyim

    It's ok Simon, we still love ya!

  • ThiChi

    Simon: thats one way to dismiss History....who is using who?

  • blacksheep

    I read with interest an op-ed article by George F. Will from the Washington Post, from my local newspaper on Sunday, 4/18.

    Entitled "Israel's lates move comports with U.N. agreement," it says makes this observation:

    "The territories occupied by Israel since 1967 have been lawfully held because a nation that occupies territories in the process of repelling agression launched from them can hold them until the disposition of the lands is settled by negotiations between the relevant parties. Palestinians and their supporters have tried to erase this fact by semantic infiltration of the world's political vocabulary, getting the terrotories routinely referred to as "Palestiinian lands." Actually, in law the terrories are unallocated portions of the 1922 Palestine Mandate, the final disposition of which is still to be settled by negotiations.

    "And there, for 56 years, has been the rub-the absence of a suitable interlocutor for Israel. Meaning a negotiating partner not committed to the destruction of the "Zionist entity" or completion of the project interrupted by not abandoned when the last Nazi death camps were liberated 59 Aprils ago."

    So, Israel's occupying "Palestinian" land is SOUNDS llike a good argument in favor of Palestinians, but in reality is a lie.

  • avishai
    if the jews would be as peaceful, naive and harmless as the jews organizations like to portray themselfs than indeed the world would care little about them. however if you look at history you will see that jews always played leading roles. as one nice example i want to remind you of the clinton administration which consisted of nearly 50% jewish members.

    Yep, that old chestnut again. "Those evil Jews run everything! Their greedy!!!'

    The very same words used to kill millions of them.

    Leading roles like being forbidden from leaving countries like russia, where if you were'nt killed by rioting peasants, you were conscripted from the age of 16 into the russian army. For a 45 year term. Leading roles like being kicked out of engalnd. For 500 years. Oh, yeah, those dirty, evil, big nose, greedy christ killing jews. I've seen people to this dy killed for refusing to believe this rhetoric. One was my girlfriend, wrapped in barbed wire, and kicked to death by skinheads who spouted the same bullshit.

    PS, richie? You Rock.

  • blacksheep

    Oops. Sorry, Yeru, I didn't realize that the short article I referenced in my op-ed local newspaper was probably just an excerpt from the one by Will you quoted up front--obviously I hadn't read all the posts.

    Anyway, I had saved the article figuring it would come up in discussion--obviuosly it has.

  • blacksheep

    Yep, that old chestnut again. "Those evil Jews run everything! Their greedy!!!'

    Yeah, as the late Barbara Grazutti Harrsion observed in her book "visions of glory," there was a very definatiative anti-semite base in the JW religion.

    I have to agree that my devout JW mother used to refer to Jews as "greedy."

    Not that the JW's invented anti-semitism, but they seem to be pretty up-to-speed on stereotypes (of course, if they are JWs, they SUPPRESS these "natural" racial and ethnic tendencies...)

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