Realist, On Israel

by Yerusalyim 95 Replies latest social current

  • czarofmischief

    Being ridden like a cheap whore? Hey, we are anything but cheap!

    Seriously - what's the big deal?

    I have talked to both sides - Jews and Arabs, and without an exception, the Arabs are far meaner, more racist, and uglier about the issue. At parties in America, they will actually leave a party if a Jewish American (nowhere near israeli) is there.

    The Arabs loved it when we died on 9/11

    Screw 'em.


  • blacksheep

    first of all, only a third of the people ever voted for hitler. so to claim all germans fell for his race ideology is obviously baloney. secondly, of the ones who voted for him most did so because of economical reasons.

    So, if only a third of Germans voted for him, how do you suppose he was able to capture the entire nation? Why did not people (esp those who hadn't voted for him) fiercely object when he started dehumanizing his nation??

    and yes it certainly appealed to some people that he wanted to make germany great again and that he viewed germans as best people in the world. the same ideology would appeal to some people in the US or any country as well.

    I disagree. You see, for as much as you seem to hate the US, one of the stongest things we have going for us that no other nation does is our ability to assimilate different races, ethnicities, religions. People who come here were escaping economic, social, and religious intolerance of their own countries. A meglomaniac bent on destroying a race, culture, religion, or ethnic group wouldn't make it too far here. When we found OUT what was happening, we helped to destroy him.

    Hey bud, I'm posting about as much as YOU are on "every topic."

    in contrast to you i post on topics i know something about.

    Well, you sure have a successful way of HIDING that.

  • Realist


    So, if only a third of Germans voted for him, how do you suppose he was able to capture the entire nation? Why did not people (esp those who hadn't voted for him) fiercely object when he started dehumanizing his nation??

    oh come on! with each comment you admit you have no idea about what actually happened! go to the link i provided and read the story! its from a well known education page in the UK.

    You see, for as much as you seem to hate the US, one of the stongest things we have going for us that no other nation does is our ability to assimilate different races, ethnicities, religions.

    so you are saying racists have no chance in the US? how about 30 years back? what exactly was martin luther king and co fighting for?

    if this melting pot works so nicely how do you explain the riots that broke out in LA for instance?

    to assume the US is any better in this respect than europe is a little odd.

    Well, you sure have a successful way of HIDING that.

    hmmm lets just admitted with your last post (and before!) that you have no idea about what happened in germany. your half-knowledge shines through in every discussion we had so far.

  • avishai
    I have talked to both sides - Jews and Arabs, and without an exception, the Arabs are far meaner, more racist, and uglier about the issue. At parties in America, they will actually leave a party if a Jewish American (nowhere near israeli) is there.

    Is'nt it ironic that Arabs are "allowed" to live in Israel, but Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam, and our ally, Bans Jews from entering their country?

  • blacksheep

    oh come on! with each comment you admit you have no idea about what actually happened! go to the link i provided and read the story! its from a well known education page in the UK.

    You didn't answer the question. How WAS it that all these people who didn't vote for Hitler became so mezmerized by him? Try answering the question, as opposed to evading the issue with hollow blustering about my "ignorance."

    so you are saying racists have no chance in the US? how about 30 years back? what exactly was martin luther king and co fighting for?

    They certainly do not. And, how many millions of African Americans were systematically murdered during the great civil rights movement? The fact that MLK's rose up quickly and are now canonized and celebrated in the US gives you a clue about whether a racist/fascist maniac can take over the US.

    if this melting pot works so nicely how do you explain the riots that broke out in LA for instance?

    Let's see, isolated race riots as efforts were being made to elliminate racism, versus the systematic internment, torture and murder of millions of Jews? Hmm....which is more serious??? Which most reflects governmental and citizen support/statements about the vast inferiority of humans of a different race??

    to assume the US is any better in this respect than europe is a little odd.

    To suggest that one of the US's key qualities is it's ability to assimilate different races/cultures/religions is quite ODD. But then freedom versus age old class systems, rampant anti-Semitism, outlawing religious garb/symbols ILLEGAL (as in France) is very pronounced to people living in freedom. Guess you might be suffering from a little bit of bias??

    Well, you sure have a successful way of HIDING that.

    hmmm lets just admitted with your last post (and before!) that you have no idea about what happened in germany. your half-knowledge shines through in every discussion we had so far.

    Well, for someone who seems to have a very terrorist-supportive attitude, who want to remember Hitler's regime as one in which an unpopular politician was foist upon a socieity, as opposed to a brutal, murderous, dictatorial regime which was supported by a nation, one that represents the single worst violation of human rights for a European nation in the last 100 years, then yes, I'd say there IS a big gap between your interpretation of history and about 95% of the universe's. But, I forgot, this is coming from someone who sticks up for the Taliban. Par for the course.

  • plmkrzy

    if this melting pot works so nicely how do you explain the riots that broke out in LA for instance?

    I was here during the riots and I am still here. 99% of all of us in this melting pot do just fine.

    You watch perhaps to much television?

  • blacksheep

    I think Unreal is smarting because Hitler was Austrian. Now who's biased??

  • blacksheep

    "Austrians explained these developments to victorious Anglo-Americans and Russians with claims that they were "victims." Their country had been occupied by aggressive, arrogant, pompous, warlike, super-efficient Germans from

    What Bukey succeeds in doing to a remarkable degree is subjecting yesterday?s and today?s Austrian rationales to analyses that utterly demolish them. If anything, his findings demonstrate that during the Nazi era Austrians were even more vicious, hysterical, and pathologically violent than suggested in previous literature. Moreover, Bukey suggests that throughout their history Austrians have been an especially contentious and quarrelsome lot, even by Central European standards"

  • blacksheep

    Happens every time I try to copy a word doc...

    The above first paragraph reads:

    "Their [Austria} country had been occupied by aggressive, arrogant, pompous, warlike, super-efficient Germans from German. How else to deal with occupiers? But this would make it difficult to understand why, some sixy years after the war, at least one out of every four Austrians (that is, those who voted Joerg Haider's Freedom Party) believes that Hitler wasn't all that bad, the SS was just your usual elite military formation, and National Socialism could have developed highly-sucessful economic and employment politicies if it had not been mismanaged.

    So, again, Unreal, you just seem to be a victim of your nationalistic biases.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Mr. Bauer also made the comparison between how blacks were treated in the US and the Jews treatment leading up to the Holocaust.

    There seems to be an undercurrent of absolute black and white thinking going on in this thread now. I see people passionatly defending the jews (very noble) turning around and saying Austrians are somewhat guilty for Hitler's sadism..and that racism, classism, and religious intolerance do not exist in America.

    While, I will agree it is not out in the open, it surely does exist. Not just here, but in most countries. Someone on this board said the other day in all sincerity, that the Jewish people only went to Palestine AFTER world war two, seeking refuge from the Holocaust.

    This is why it is important to keep an open dialogue. The issues of the Jews and Palestinians are very important to all countries now. We live in a blended, global society. We must respect and listen to each other in a civil way.

    A promise was made after the attrocities were widely known....Never Again....

    Lets all keep that motto, and it's meaning in mind.

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