What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?

by gumby 297 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Schizm

    For that matter, what did trees do to get the death sentence?

    Life is life, isn't it?

    Should a tree live forever?

    If not, why then should a cat live forever?

    Why should man live forever? Because God made it that way!

    Am I just trying to be silly?

    Who knows?

  • LittleToe

    Agreed. We die physically, because we do, along with every other living thing.

    As previously mentioned, I don't think Genesis is really addressing that point, however...

    Just my 2p

  • Schizm

    Little Toe,

    I'm just sitting here reminiscing about the fact that you once was a little big shot at the congregation that you attended. You obviously believed the genesis accout at one time in your life. Now it seems that you've thrown the entire Bible out the window. Shipwreck comes to mind. Wow, you need help man. (Seriously) I don't like being judgmental, of course. :))

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Now it seems that you've thrown the entire Bible out the window. Shipwreck comes to mind.

    Hey Schizm ... how has he thrown out the entire Bible?

    Also, how is he shipwrecked?

    A discussion is a discussion and should be without fear of the mind-police.

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    Thanks for the link by the way LittleToe - their mission statement seems fair enough to me. Bookmarked for future reference.

  • Abaddon

    Ever since my mum tried to explain 'The Fall' to my never-a-jw girlfriend (who has since refered to it as the 'ventriloquist snake bit') I've wondered how people get even that far in the story without realsing that it's metaphorical.

    Look at the clues;

    • Snakes have no vocal chords. This is a BIG CLUE the story is metaphorical.
    • Eve, rather than expressing surprise at a 'king snake wanting a little chit-chat ("Holy shit! ADAM! I've found a talking snake, quick, come and have a look") engages it in conversation. This is ANOTHER BIG CLUE the story is metaphorical. Even if Stan the duvel was throwing his voice, or whatever (standard Dubbie reply to the 'er, yeah, you know snakes can;t talk' response, this would have happened. I'm sure I am not the only man who gets charmingly detailed reports of even the most inconcequential events as they happen through the day, and I assure you, if a snake spoke to my girlfriend she'd tell me straight away - remember, Eve didn't have any girlfriends.
    • Eve put something in her mouth because something long and thin said she should. If this happened that easily guys would never get anything done...
    • It didn't have a lisp; everyone knows snake have lisps when they talk, thus it's words would be more accurately rendered "Hasssh God indeed ssshaid, "You sssshall not eat of every tree of the garden'?" and "You will not sssshurely die. 5 For God knowsshh that in the day you eat of it your eyesssh will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." if the story were true.

    That's without getting into the "and what the 'king hell was god doing... watching an angel lie to a human knowing the human would screw up as a result and doing nothing about it, or was he on the toilet?" thing. Once again god seems to make his failure to protect his word the fault of humans. A reasonable course of action would be to zap the snake right after it said "You will not sssshurely die", so the passage would read;

    4 Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die" And it came to pass the snake was consumed in a holy fire, and the woman said "Blimey, that was a close one, I was feeling peckish and all". 5 And Adam and Eve lived happily ever-after.

    It would make the Bible a bit on the short side and have saved millions of human lives from suffering and pain, but it seems like a good idea to me...

    It might suit your beliefs to believe it actually happened that way, just like it suits children to believe that there really is a tooth fairy, but desire to believe means nothing, common sense means considerably more.

  • Schizm


    I've gone to the trouble to lead you to the waterhole. Now drink you dumb bastard, drink! You're not getting any more hay 'till you drink ... so drink you dumb bastard, drink!

  • LittleToe

    I'm not all that comfortable with folks obsessing over me like that. And YOU'RE worried about ME?

    I have all the help I need from the Holy Spirit, thanks. What's your source of reliable information?
    The spirit inspired guided directed borganization?


  • Schizm

    LIttle Toe,

    If you learn how to spell my handle right I'll continue to talk to you. If not, may you stump your little toe on the first chair you go near! ;-)

  • LittleToe

    Talk or not, it makes little difference to me...

    Nice air of arrogance, btw...

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