What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?

by gumby 297 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Golf

    Schism, no need for me to change. I still have the same golf clubs, 1959 models. I think I can do a number on you with them.

    As to coming back, I do keep coming back to certain golf courses when I play.

    As to contributing to the post, why should I when there's oodles of comments?

    You keep telling others they don't get the point, others tell you there is no point. So, what's the point of me contributing? I think the dog chasing his tail says it all.

    Guest 77

  • gumby
    Do you plan to ask an other question in the future with the word 'exactly?'

    Have you got a problem with my word "exactly"? I like the word. Exactly defines what I'm looking for........you know, instead of vauge, obscure, translucent comments. I like to get to the point, otherwise your wasting time and confusing the issue. Too many dance around the main point without ever saying anything. Now.....was that all you had to say? Did you take the time to tell me you don't like my thread titles? You MUST be real bored. Maybe you could start a worthwhile thread and show us all how it's done.

    LT.....your not hearing God's voice audibly too are ya now?

    * has visions of LT mumbling to some invisible character in Dallas*


  • LittleToe

    Why, are you playing as "Wizard of Oz", again??

  • Schizm
    What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?--Gumby's topic title

    Nothing! Absolutely nothing changed in Adam when he sinned.

    His circumstances is what changed. Whereas he had been allowed to partake of the life-prolonging fruit of the tree of life, once he had disrespected God's command he was barred from doing so anymore.

    Your question has a very simple answer, Gumbish.

    Tank you,


  • Farkel

    schizm said:

    What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?--Gumby's topic title

    : Nothing! Absolutely nothing changed in Adam when he sinned.

    Well, your statement agrees with the Bible about what changed "IN" Adam.

    : His circumstances is what changed. Whereas he had been allowed to partake of the life-prolonging fruit of the tree of life, once he had disrespected God's command he was barred from doing so anymore.

    : Your question has a very simple answer, Gumbish.

    Your answer is a very stupid naive or uninformed one, and I'll show you why.

    Show from Genesis where Adam and his mate were ever allowed to and actually DID partake from the "life-prolonging fruit of the tree of life." I want chapter and verse and I want a sound argument. (God provides what we need to make decisions that affect our eternal destinity, right? Therefore, God would have unambiguous statements in Genesis that we could understand. Right?)

    And don't give me gibberish. I hate gibberish.


  • gumby
    I want chapter and verse and I want a sound argument.

    You might as well hang it up too Fark.....he never addresed a long-ass list of questions I asked him to answer, so I doubt you'll get scriptures. There are no scriptures that say they ate from the Tree of life.....only that god had given them permission to eat from ALL trees except for the Tree of Good and Bad. Schizm assumes they ate from the tree of Life since it wasn't off limits. The bible only mentioned god put angels to block the garden entrance with the Tree of Life in it......after they sinned, so there was a period of time they could have been eating of that fruit. He's got a good argument from a biblical perspective (for all thats worth), but it invalidates the Greek scriptures and Christs role.

    Imagine....all god has to do is give mankind this fruit after he teaches him a lesson and man can live forever, but instead he waits 2 thousand years for his son to come along so he can sacrifice him instead, then after he sacrifices him so we can have life, 2 thousand more years go by and we realise we've been screwed. God never made good on the sacrifice. I'd be pissed if I was jesus!

    Why should I trust god to supply me with fruit to live forever, when nobody has lived past 130 as a result of sinning ever since Christ died for us?


  • Farkel


    : Imagine....all god has to do is give mankind this fruit after he teaches him a lesson and man can live forever, but instead he waits 2 thousand years for his son to come along so he can sacrifice him instead, then after he sacrifices him so we can have life, 2 thousand more years go by and we realise we've been screwed. God never made good on the sacrifice. I'd be pissed if I was jesus!

    : Why should I trust god to supply me with fruit to live forever, when nobody has lived past 130 as a result of sinning ever since Christ died for us?

    Yep. Of course, that is the same argument I've made for years on discussion boards and with my other maverick stuff.

    It just ain't fair. I just can't worship or even like a God who just ain't fair. I especially can't like a God who DEMANDS worship on the pain of death. It just ain't fair. How could a God get satisfaction out of people worshiping him who knew they HAD to do that or God would kill them? It just ain't fair.


  • Schizm


    Out of curiosity, I went to Google and ran a search on "Adam and tree of life". One site that I found said this:

    God gave Adam and Eve permission to eat fruit from the many different trees in the garden, including the fruit of the "tree of life" (Genesis 2:9, 16)…. Only one tree was off limits. God told Adam and Eve, "You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and…. (Genesis 2:17).


    Here’s another comment off of another site:

    Adam and Eve were very happy in Paradise because they loved God and were in God's grace. The Tree of Life kept them from sickness and death. They were to live forever.


  • Farkel


    :Adam and Eve were very happy in Paradise because they loved God and were in God's grace. The Tree of Life kept them from sickness and death. They were to live forever.

    You got this off a website, so it must be true, right?

    Please tell us where the BIBLE said that Adam and Eve were 1) perfect, and 2) that God himself said they would live forever? It ain't there. I READ IT!

    The reason you won't converse with me is that you cannot answer my pesky questions from your very own Bible. The Bible is not just some "web site", you dummy. It is the basis for faith for true believers.


  • gumby

    I've never understood as a dub....or when I went Christian, why there was this "time period" I still had to suffer as a sinner. Jesus never said after I die for you.....you will have to wait quite awhile before the effects begin to take place. Once the sacrifice is offered and accepted.....the deal is done! No waiting. Why are we still waiting? What's the biblical reason for the wait? Does anyone know?

    I also never understood why the remnant dies from sin. There were said to have ...."a token" in the kingdom. In other words....their sins were even more forgiven than our because they were as good as in the kingdom......just not there yet. If their sins were "blotted out" against them.......how do they die?


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