What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?

by gumby 297 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel


    Here are the parts where the whole notion of a ransom breaks down. Name one parent who would kill their own child if one of the child's friends did something evil. The offenders were Adam and Eve and God still let them live 8 and a half times longer than almost all humans who've ever lived. As a result God is, in effect killing the victims of the crime: us. Would "logic" like that cut it in any civilized human society? No.

    To make matters worse, in a real ransom situation, when the ransom is paid, the payor gets back what was taken. Christ paid the debt 2,000 years ago and God hasn't done shit. Human perfection was lost in Eden and human perfection should have been returned with the death of Jesus, albeit I would have no problem with God sprinking a few forbidden trees and talking snakes around the planet. God likes to mess with us, so I have no problem with the trees and snakes.

    Instead, sometime "real soon now" when God kills 99.99% of the population and lets the rest of the survivors get another big test a thousand years later will God have kept his end of the bargain. That is, if you believe such incredible and lopsided nonsense.

    Finally, the Bible simply says the penalty for sin is death. When we die, we've paid the penalty, and there should be no more penalties. But not in WatchtowerLand. We get resurrected (if we're lucky) and have to let the devil mess with our heads AGAIN!

    God should have just killed Satan and been done with it. Nobody would have questioned his integrity as that would have been the right thing to do. But self-centered sadists don't think that way, and BibleGod(tm) is a self-centered sadist who doesn't even keep his word as I've just shown.


  • Schizm


    Define "life", Schizm.

    I tried to do that very thing up above. How did you manage to miss it? What is it exactly that you don't understand, or agree with, regarding the way I attempted to define "life" up above? Help me to understand where it is that you're having a problem with understanding me, and I'll deal with what you say.

    Also, I had hoped that you would've made it back in order to offer a reply to my last post, addressed to you, but you never replied.

  • Schizm

    My friend Farkel,

    I will be back later to reply.

  • AlanF

    Schizm said,

    :: Define "life", Schizm.

    : I tried to do that very thing up above. How did you manage to miss it?

    I didn't miss your attempt. That's why I asked you to define "life". Your description was vague, fuzzy and circular, and in no sense a definition. You even told Gumby that you hoped he understood the sense in which you were using the term, which indicates that you know you didn't properly define it but hoped that he'd see through your fuzziness.

    : What is it exactly that you don't understand, or agree with, regarding the way I attempted to define "life" up above? Help me to understand where it is that you're having a problem with understanding me, and I'll deal with what you say.

    After you define "life" in a clear, engineering sense, namely, giving enough information that most readers will be able to see what objects are included in the category of things that have "life" and what objects are excluded, you need to relate that back to your overall thesis. Specifically you need to give clear explanations for problems like, If the tree of life provided certain substances that, as long as Adam continually ingested them, allowed him to live forever, then "life" must be those substances and not some thing or quality that Adam personally possessed or lacked.

    : Also, I had hoped that you would've made it back in order to offer a reply to my last post, addressed to you, but you never replied.

    I chose not to because you simply danced around my points, and I don't much feel like dancing with people about this topic. Really, since I believe it's like arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, I'll take the time only as long as I have nothing more pressing to do. It's only of minor academic interest.


  • Farkel


    : I will be back later to reply.

    I don't give a rat about that you will or will not "reply." I do give a rat that you will or will not answer" my challenges. Simply "replying" is not the same as "answering." Do you see the distinction here?

    If you think you can use word tricks, I will demolish your position. I promise you this.

    Take your best shot, but remember that I don't play. Couch your words in your alleged response very carefully.


  • shamus

    His weiner started to work....

  • Schizm


    :: Define "life", Schizm.

    : I tried to do that very thing up above. How did you manage to miss it?

    I didn't miss your attempt. That's why I asked you to define "life". Your description was vague, fuzzy and circular, and in no sense a definition.

    No, it wasn't vague. No, it wasn't fuzzy. No, it wasn't circular. And yes, it was a definition.

    You even told Gumby that you hoped he understood the sense in which you were using the term, which indicates that you know you didn't properly define it but hoped that he'd see through your fuzziness.

    No, that's not true at all. What I did say, was this:

    I'm sure that you [Gumby] understand the sense in which the term "life" is being used here.

    Due to what I had said up to that point, I felt "sure" (confident) that Gumby would get the sense of what I had said. So far he hasn't said that he didn't understand it.

    Specifically you need to give clear explanations for problems like, If the tree of life provided certain substances that, as long as Adam continually ingested them, allowed him to live forever, then "life" must be those substances and not some thing or quality that Adam personally possessed or lacked.

    No, not at all.

    Here's what I said up above:

    Adam had "[lasting] life" prior to his having sinned. He did not have death hanging over his head. After he sinned he no longer had "[lasting] life" ... even though he still lived for several hundred years after the fact.

    Note that I have now added the word "lasting" in hopes of making it easier for YOU to grasp. Now, what is it about those words of mine that you find so hard to grasp or agree with? Is it not true that Adam would've continued to live on indefinitely had he only obeyed his Creator?

    I also said to Gumby:

    Although alive, you and I do not have "[lasting] life."

    Is that not true? But Adam himself did enjoy lasting life (prior to his sin). The reason he did is because God was allowing him to take in the special ingredients found in the fruit of the tree of life. Surely, those particular ingredients were exactly what man needed in order to ward off the aging process. Hard to understand? I fail to see why!

    : Also, I had hoped that you would've made it back in order to offer a reply to my last post, addressed to you, but you never replied.

    I chose not to because you simply danced around my points, and I don't much feel like dancing with people about this topic.

    It's one thing for you to say I danced around your points, but it's quite another thing for you to demonstrate that as being true. The fact is that I dealt with every point you brought up. Can you show me where I have been evasive in that post of mine (the one that you've chosen to ignore)? What point did you make that I did not cover there?

    Really, since I believe it's like arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, I'll take the time only as long as I have nothing more pressing to do. It's only of minor academic interest.

    Suit yourself.

    ...I asked you to define "life".

    Of course I've already done that, by way of an example.

    "Life" defined: An existence whereby death is not inevitable. Hence, "lasting life" or "indefinitely lasting life".

    Revelation 20:5 says in part:

    (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.)

    This has reference to both those who will have survived Armageddon as well as those who will have been resurrected during the 1000-year reign of Christ. Yes, ALL these ones will have been alive during that period of time, but they won't have lasting "life" (whereby death is not inevitable) until the end of the thousand years. Thus, the Scriptures themselves define "life".


  • Schizm

    Farkel, my friendly friend:

    : I will be back later to reply.

    I don't give a rat about that you will or will not "reply." I do give a rat that you will or will not answer" my challenges. Simply "replying" is not the same as "answering." Do you see the distinction here?

    According to The American Heritage Dictionary the word "reply" means:

    1. (n.) A verbal or written response to a statement or question:
    • answer • rejoinder
    • response
    • retort

    Do you not own a dictionary, Farkel? Oh, I know, you're just using word tricks on me aren't you.

    If you think you can use word tricks, I will demolish your position. I promise you this.

    My words are defined by the dictionary, Farkel, even as I have just demonstrated.

    Take your best shot, but remember that I don't play.

    Did I say I wasn't serious? Have you caught me playing around here in this thread?

    Couch your words in your alleged response very carefully.

    Okay. I'll be back later to reply.


  • Schizm

    The question this thread poses is:

    What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?

    Shamus said:

    His weiner started to work....

    Quit playing around, Shamus!

  • Schizm

    Farkel, my friendly friend:

    Name one parent who would kill their own child if one of the child's friends did something evil.

    God made the sacrifice, it was men who "killed" his son. And I wouldn't necessarily characterize Adam's misdeed as being "evil". Extremely foolish, yes, but not "evil".

    As a result God is, in effect killing the victims of the crime: us.

    Scenario: Farkel fails to train his child to not play out in the street. As a result the child is run over by a car and dies. Who is to blame for the child's death? Is it God, or FARKEL? Of course, you'll undoubtedly take the blame for it yourself. Likewise, the blame for the deaths of all Adam's children falls upon his own head, not that of God's. It was Adam that failed as a father, and his children had to suffer because of it. "Unfair," you say? Is it also "unfair" that your child had to die due to YOUR negligence?

    To make matters worse, in a real ransom situation, when the ransom is paid, the payor gets back what was taken. Christ paid the debt 2,000 years ago and God hasn't done shit. Human perfection [lasting life] was lost in Eden and human perfection [lasting life] should have been returned with the death of Jesus

    Then the fact that all except those who will rule with Christ won't attain "lasting life" until the end of the millennium must seem all the more unjust to you. While we generally think of it as being *customary* that "the payor gets back what was taken" rather quickly, does that mean that it's NOT a "ransom" if more time is taken to settle the account? If so, then WHO made such a rule?

    More later.


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