May you have peace!
Nothing "changed"... "in"... Adam. What was already IN Adam... was brought out: each one of us is enticed by our own DESIRE. And then, when that desire is... ummmm... not controlled... it manifests itself by causing us to sin. Adam DESIRED something that was not his to possess: the knowledge of good... AND bad. To be "like God"... knowing BOTH. Eve's desire... for the fruit... was drawn out. She did not guard her heart, so that the Adversary SAW such desire... and exploited it.
You may now ask, why would God create Adam with a desire that he would not be allowed to fulfill? But that question would be in error, for God would NEVER have kept anything from Adam that Adam should have had... or that he desired. Indeed, Adam RECEIVED what he wished for: the knowledge of good... AND bad. Life... AND death.
What God TRIED to do... was WARN Adam of the consequences of his desire: death. Bad. Knowing bad. Thus, knowing death. Adam received was he desired.
We, too, possess all sorts of desires. Some are fulfilled with good results; some bring bad consequences. The lesson? What you DESIRE... is not always what is good for YOU... or for your NEIGHBOR. For example, you may DESIRE... something that belongs to someone else. Is that a "good" thing? Maybe. Maybe not. Most often, while it may be good for YOU... it may not be for your neighbor. Thus, the command, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's... stuff. What about bearing false witness? Or murder? You may indeed DESIRE to do such things... but what could be the CONSEQUENCE of such desire?
My Lord had such desires in him also. That is why the Adversary attempted to EXPLOIT them during my Lord's temptation. Like us, he was tested in ALL respects. UNLIKE us... he did not give in to his desires, but gave his desires over... to the will of God.
Adam did not change what was in him; he simply allowed what was IN him to manifest itself... to his own detriment and that of his progeny... rather than SUPPRESS it... for the good of himself and his progeny. Our desires will sometimes lead to selfish acts... acts that cause us... and others pain. It is THAT which God, through Christ, is trying to teach us NOT to do. For if God Himself gave in to every desire HE has... most of us would not be here. But He overshadows HIS desire... by means of His LOVE... which is borne out in His MERCY and FORGIVENESS. For although He may desire vengeance, and most certainly has a right to it, His LOVE... COVERS such desire.
That is the lesson of the Christ: to not look out for our OWN interests... but that of other's. We are... our brother's keeper. LOVE... will allow us to do that. Self interest... will not.
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies... and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you... if you so wish it.
Your servant, friend and a slave of Christ,
P.S. Regarding the erroneous belief that God did not give Adam "permission" to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, God did not, per se, restrict Adam from eating from it. What He DID... was lovingly WARN Adam: "Of every tree in the garden you may eat, except from the Tree in the midst of the garden, for in the day you eat of IT... you will die." Many believe this to be a prohibition; it was not. It was a WARNING. God did not say, "If you eat of that Tree, I will kill you," or "If you eat, I will put you to death." He said, "If you eat... you will die." Meaning, "If you touch the hot stove, you will get burned," and not "If you touch the hot stove, I will burn you." May you have ears to hear... and get the sense of this truth. Peace!