Scared to go for gas!

by Special K 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    American gallons are smaller than Imperial British ones.

    US gallon = 3.785 Litres

    Imperial Gallon = 4.546 Litres

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Hey guys,

    Only 1.90 here in upper Minnesota! I just bought a new SUV and it loves to EAT gas.......I guess I better start walking to work....good for the rear end anyway!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi strawberryfield forever.

    you said

    good for the rear end anyway!

    I was pondering that while chuckling under my breath..

    The way I see it I will have to trade my big Grand Van in and get a mini cooper and tie extra seats up on the roof. I never considered walking my arse I suppose a stacked 5 wheelbarrels might do and each family member could take turns pushing. lol

    We did have a guy pull up to the gas tanks here one day (I was gettting liguid gold too) , near to where he lived . He had the biggest longest motor home I have ever seen in my life. He told me that he was sorry he brought it with him (the motor hotel) because all his vacation money went into the gas tank since being in this part of Canada.

    special k

  • Kaethra

    aha! Now it makes sense.

    What is it with these 'mercans anyway?? Isn't one antiquated system of measurement enough? And what's up with spelling litre liter? lol

    SpK - You're so sweet. We'll definitely have to plan a visit soon. :)

  • Dan-O

    I was smart (or is that lucky?) and filled up earlier this week before the latest price jump. It was still $37 to pump 20 gallons into my baby.

  • talesin


    I saw it on the news last night!!! And folks wonder why I don't have a car, heheh. It's easy to get around in the city, though. I would be stuck in the country. I feel sorry for those who must just put up with this 'highway robbery'.

    It's ridiculous when we have the technology to eliminate the use of gas in cars, but then the big auto-makers would have to change all the factories, the OIL companies would go bust, etc. etc. Hahaha, greed will conquer all common sense and reason!!

    Hey, maybe we could all get together sometime, you, Kaethra, Shera and me! That would be most excellent! Lunch or something ,,, there's always the buffet at the Casino,,, yummmmm, we could stuff our faces, sit and chat as long as we like,,, the food is really great.

    Hey Yeru,

    Yeah, but 44 million Americans have NO health care. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. I'll keep the taxes, thanks very much.


  • Yerusalyim


    My comment was actually direct to the Americans who want government health care...I'm sure the vast majority of Canadians are aware they're paying WAY too much in taxes.

  • Sassy
    The price went up and are you ready for this.....

    .93 cents a litre here in Nova Scotia, Canada

    with my calculations with conversion to us gallon and 30% exchange rate it puts the cost about:

    $4.93 per U.S. gallon

    Yeah but that isn't quite accurate............ for instance .. with our American Dollar in hand and if we put gas in our tank if we drove up to Canada, we would pay .68 cents per liter.. so how does that then come out to per gallon? I'm better with Money than measurement conversion..

    all i know is that some places are as high as $2.40 (US) for gas around LA. I work hard to find gas stations down to 2.09 (US)

  • TresHappy

    Where in Texas is it still $1.29 a gallon? LOL

  • truthseeker1

    Being part of the California culture, we have to drive here. Public transportation in our city blows. I'd have to drive to the nearest bus-stop. People out here drive to their mail boxes. To get anywhere in town, its at least a 10-15 min trip and thats with no traffic traveling 50 mph.

    I guess its good I bought a motorcycle, gets about 65 mpg.

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