Scared to go for gas!

by Special K 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kaethra

    According to my calculations, using today's exchange rate, (and my newfound knowledge of the difference between an Imperial and an American gallon!), the gas prices we pay here in Nova Scotia are equivalent to $2.56 per US gallon.

    Math aficionados - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. :)

    Talespin - that sounds like an awesome idea!

  • Elsewhere


    How the hell do you people afford to commute to work???

    I fillup my car with about 10 - 12 gallons every 5 - 6 days... I pay about $20 each time. If the gas prices here (due to taxes) went up as much as the euro countries, I don't see how I could afford to drive around town.

    How do you guys do it?

  • Corvin

    My father-in-law who is from Dansig, previously in Germany, now part of Poland, told me back in 98 that a litre of gas in Germany was, at that time, about $6.00 US per LITRE!

    You darn Kanooks shouldn't complain abote us Americans complaining. JK


  • talesin

    Hey, s'okay, Corvin!!! We have always gone shopping in New England, the prices are STILL much better for a lot of stuff. In Bangor, Maine, for example, they have a couple weekends before Xmas where they actually offer us Canucks equal exchange rate on the dollar for shopping trips!

    So you're allowed to whine a bit. I, for one, don't mind, anything for my American cuz's.

    That's great, Kaethra. My time's pretty free till the end of summer, so whatever works for you three is good for me. Woo hoo, I've been wanting to meetcha all for a long time. Shera is great! I'm gonna call her right now. heheh


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Maine USA is rural lots of mileage.I gave up my wheels over a year ago partly so I can spend on my operations. Regular unleaded is $2.05 gal. Maine

  • roybatty
    So if you think your gas is high in the U.S. I think you need to reconsider.

    Dam, so I guess we invaded Iraq for nothing. Crap.

  • xjw_b12

    US gallon = 3.785 Litres x $0.93 = 3.52005 Canadian = $2.59 U.S. (Derived rate = 1.3570)

  • Scully

    Special K, talesin and Kaethra:

    You wanna know what pissed me off about the gas price today?

    This morning, when I took the kids to school, it was 78.4¢/L (which is way too stinkin' much IMO). Then, this afternoon at 3:05 pm, the retailers jacked the price up to 88.9¢/L.

    Once the afternoon rush was done, at around 4:15 pm, the price magically dropped back down to 78.8¢/L.

    And they say there's no damn price fixing on our gas!! LIARS!!!

    Love, Scully

    PS to Yeru: How do you feel about your country's taxes funding the torture and brutality against Iraqi prisoners by your military? I'll take higher gas prices and "socialized medicine" (btw, we call it "universal healthcare" here) over that legacy any day of the week.

  • Corvin

    Talespin, you said:

    We have always gone shopping in New England, the prices are STILL much better for a lot of stuff. In Bangor, Maine, for example,

    Ever run into Undaunted Danny over there?


  • talesin

    No, Corvin, although I've been out of the JWs for over 20 years, this DB is my first experience with knowing any exJWs. Haven't been to Bangor in a few years as well ...

    But, I have wondered if Danny, if you're reading, remembers Stacey's Country Jamboree from the old days on Friday nite late TV (a local Bangor cable production circa late 70s/early 80s). "See these hands?" heheh, loved that show!

    Hey, ya, Scully

    I used to work for Gulf, back in the day, and they had price fixing then. Also worked for Esso, and it was the same story. We had a big court case about 2-3 years ago here in Nova Scotia. The big companies were fixing prices and driving one of the independents (Wilson's) out of business. False accusations were levied against Wilson's because they were giving folks their gas at a significant discount. And guess what??? The little guy won!


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