Araneae, Spiders of North-West Europe
Nederlandse versie
This site contains more than 700 pictures of over 220 spiders commonly found in NW-Europe, especially the area between the Netherlands and the south of France.
There is a thumbnail page and a Spider location chart for a quick overview of all the spiders posted on these pages. Of all photographed spiders, there is a short description about their habitat, size and other interesting facts. Apart from the European spiders I have also posted more than 200 pictures of Australian spiders.
Most people think that spiders are dangerous creatures that should be wiped away with a cloth, sucked up in the vacuum cleaner or smashed with a newspaper. That is not wise because spiders play a very important role in our Eco-system. They catch many annoying and harmful insects and are therefore very useful creatures. As you will see on these pages, many of the spiders are beautifully colored, and therefore very pleasant and wonderful to look at. Since most spiders are very small, you need a magnifying glass or a camera to study them or to reveal their beauty.
Most people think that spiders are dangerous creatures that should be wiped away with a cloth, sucked up in the vacuum cleaner or smashed with a newspaper.
yes, well we know why the WTS would want to do that!
That is not wise because spiders play a very important role in our Eco-system. They catch many annoying and harmful insects and are therefore very useful creatures.
who are the annoying and harmful insects????? mmmmmmm????????
Ah yes, apostates together with the internet are VERY USEFUL CREATURES!
Cheers, Bliss