What say you Scholar,
You squirt in here and other threads and drop a line of propaganda and then run off like a wounded duck. Stand your ground and give us some meat. Something we can sink our teeth into, that makes sense.
You know as well as I do that this chronology stuff is really hard to understand for the average person, like me. Answer me this, why would a loving God kill everyone who does not cower to the WTS interpretation of chronology and give our undying devotion to them thanking God daily for the "Faithful and discreet slave" who gives us the food at the proper time?
I heard that mentioned in almost every prayer we had at every meeting in our hall. When looking at the food provided us over the last hundred years can you honestly say ALL of it was food at the proper time. How are we to know what we are reading is spiritual food at the proper time and which is not since obviously some of what we were taught and we taught others later turned out to be false? Most of what we were taught was just speculation and they thought it sounded good at the time, only to be proven wrong with the passage of time. At the time we recieved this information we were all to look at it as if it was blinding flashes of light provided by Jehovah. What it ended up to be was blinding flashes of pure human speculation.