Freedom to Choose God

by UnDisfellowshipped 774 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frenchbabyface

    Frenchie:I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but Julie got to him first

    WOT ??? Oh well Wathever I choose ALANF anyway !!! ... July is safe I'm not a theef, and somehow I feel like she probably deserve HIM - not sure I would ...) You lucky July !!!

    Kidding you guys you are all good (somehow in something even the great jockers !) but Still ALANF ALANF ALANF (I'm a supporter don't you understand ?)

  • LittleToe


    I'm a supporter don't you understand ?

    No. You'll have to explain that one, to the mentally challenged amongst us
    Is it the way he shakes his dick?

  • frenchbabyface

    LT : Is it the way he shakes his dick?

    you jocker !!! ... well I don't know about that Man ... The thing is that he shakes my brain when I got stucked with his objectivity ! ... of course he is not the only one (they know who they are - even You have been in some esoterical matters) ... And to not mention and forget anyone of them all (cause I did once and forget a few), I only feel like to mention that HE is just the Greatest. (I mean number one is number one ... to me ... everybody's got his number one).

    I do insist because he did and does a BIG GREAT JOB on so many years !!! (it takes time ... he must be a giver to do that ...).

  • LittleToe

    Aye, he's certainly contributed a lot, and continues to do so

    I'll take under advisement your vote that he's number one dick-shaker

  • frenchbabyface

    LT ... I can feel like you'r in the mood of playing in every way those last days . .. go on !

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I'm still waiting to hear what you ment about this statement:

    Man DOES have responsibility. To deny that denies the founding principles of Calvin's theology

    Are you saying that he didn't teach limited atonement?

    D Dog

  • LittleToe

    I thought I had answered that here:

    I was awaiting your response

    Since I can't imagine Hitler getting to heaven, I think it'd be safe to say that I'm not a Universalist, don't you?

    Yeah, you could say that.
    I'm getting into a reasonably happy place

  • gumby

    Man has responsibility to suffer consequences that comes with going against human nature and science, but as for responsibility to god, one would have to first accept the bible as truth, or any other book that claims to have gods backing of it. How else could you say you are responsible to god? If you are, where did you learn you are? Who told/taught you?


  • LittleToe

    Is that not exactly the point (regardless of all the theological definitions that attempt to describe it).
    Man is responsible for his actions.

    Even cause and effect tells us that, with or without the bible.

  • gumby

    LT....that IS the truth, but was that YOUR point?

    To deny that denies the founding principles of Calvin's theology

    Were you basing your belief on this from a human standpoint, or from gods viewpoint, or both? If it was from gods viewpoint you are basing your statement on, how do you come to your conviction?


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