MEN ONLY- Freezing up at the Urinal!

by Funchback 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon
    Several months ago I posted my perturbing problem, and that was that my pee always shot out in two direct flows at a ninety degree angle to each other

    Clever dick !

    We haven't touched on the other very important rule of men's room etiquette: Never, never, never, talk to anyone while in there, especially while at the urinal, as this means you are gay. Whistling is ok (as long as it is not a girly tune). The only communication acceptable is a 'nod' and a mumbled 'k, mate'.

  • ball.

    what a pisser!

    the only time I had trouble "going" was 'cas I was tryin to hard.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    It only happens to me when 'it' hits the cold water.

  • Celtic

    The other one of course is pissing in the wind, a saying with more than one meaning I add.

    You go for a walk on the clifftops or up the moors and its a really really gusty blowing day with the wind coming from every direction. You have not seen another soul for several hours and suddenly you need a piss. No shelter so you pinch the end of it to get the maximum flow capacity, and then squirt it like a high pressure hose as fast as you can. If the wind be strong enough it blows it hither and thither, often right back at you, you end up then doing this funny dance trying to dodge it, hoping it doesn't get you on the leg or face even if its a gale. Must be easy for the ladies then, cos they can squat real close to the ground. Just an observation.

  • Celtic

    Pardon my ignorance Simon.

    Really?!! Talking in a bog indicates you are gay? Hell, I never knew that. Why is that? Really, I am being serious here, I never heard that before. Hmmmmmmmm. Think I might have to disfellowship my fellow peers then if that be case.

  • Maverick

    I prefer to stand in a stall, I don't want the other guys to get jealous!

    When you travel a lot after a while to just don't think about it. In Georgia at my buddies farm if you have to pee you take three steps back and turn around. They get mad if you waste well water and fill the septic tank to flush a toilet after peeing. Maverick

  • Simon
    Really?!! Talking in a bog indicates you are gay? Hell, I never knew that. Why is that? Really, I am being serious here, I never heard that before. Hmmmmmmmm. Think I might have to disfellowship my fellow peers then if that be case.

    Maybe it's a northern thing ?! It's just how it is up here.

  • Undecided

    I had this problem when I was in my 20s. When I went to the military examination I never did get a sample of urine for them. It was a psychological problem of some kind. I got over it, don't remember how long it took.

    Ken P.

  • SuperMommy

    This problem was explained to me years ago....At the Kansas City Royals Stadium the urinal is like a long trough...there is not separate urinal spaces. Apparently it is impossible not to be exposed here. This is extremely embarrassing for some guys. You men should speak up for equal right here. Women would never stand for this. I think some guy just wanted to compare and constrast his he invented this way of exposing other men. Start a petition...if that doesn't work just start peeing in the bushes. It could be like a big urinal sit-in. Ban the exposure of your 'troops.' Don't stand for it have rights, too. YEAH!!! I say this in fun, but if you descide to do it you have my support!

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Ahh, its just a case of "stage fright", just think of water flowing down a stream!

    Don't go scuba diving!

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