MEN ONLY- Freezing up at the Urinal!

by Funchback 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    Talking at the loo isn't such a taboo here in the states. But I always feel weird when I'm in a restroom and some guy taking a p*ss starts talking to me - LOL

    I did experience bladder shyness one time - it was at a baseball game with one of those trough urinals. I thought I was the only one that that had ever happened to!

  • Simon

    Trough urinals are gross aren't they?

    "I bet women wouldn't stand for something like that !"

    (get it? )

  • SuperMommy

    LOL you are silly LOL I knew some one would find that pun in there when I was editing my post.

  • flower

    I never could understand how men could whip out their you-know-whats in front of other guys they dont know and pee . Its no wonder you freeze up! Men are so wierd!

  • Celtic

    Back along in me witness days, two mates of mine and I would often go backpacking together and we used to have this tradition of peeing on the fire just before leaving the site to see who best could dampen and/or put the thing out. Hmmmmm Keith, if you're reading this as a lurker in Devon, sorry. Anyway unbeknown to him, I'd put into the fire a sealed tin of semileena, however you spell it, there he was quite happily peeing away, a steady stream steaming onto the hot ashes below, when BANG!! the ruddy tin exploded covering him head to toe and his todger too in boiling hot semillena, he were'nt too happy, I can tell ee, burn't the end of his willy it did. His brother and I though thought it was hilarious. Wellllll, how the hec was I to know the darn thing would explode like that eh?

    Talking of loos, one thing I cannot stand is the thought that those hot air dryers, used for drying your hands, are basically sucking in foul urinated air / moisture from the bog area, then blowing it directly back onto your hands, ruddy great whoever thought of that one.

    The other thing is when you're pee comes out quite warm and steams. Especially when your peeing in the long trough ones. Tis ruddy awful, smelling that steam or someone elses going right up your nose, same with proper bogs. Whatever smell just came out the last arse is now being regurgitated by passing up my lungs into my nose and lungs, Glastonbury Festival toilets have to be seen to be believed on that one, what a pong!!

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i can usually manage to pee beside another man, but not if that man happens to be black... i'll have to wait till he's finished. im not racist, but, just so you know, the stereotype is true... ALWAYS. and that can be intimidating. and you can't feel intimidated and pee at the same time.


  • Celtic


    Not ever knowing hardly any black guys, do they have bigger todgers than other guys from other nationalities then, hmmmmmm, learn something new every day.

  • Dan-O
    Go into any men's room in a crowded beer-drinking environment where urine traffic spills over into the stalls and you will see exactly why the urinal was a stroke of genius

    And then go into any crowded baseball stadium men's room where the stalls and the urinals are all occupied, and you'll see exactly why the sink was a stroke of genius. It works just as well as a urinal.

    The whole bashful bladder syndrome is purely psychological. I've been thru it, too. It simply takes a couple of successful missions in a crowded bathroom and suddenly your no longer have a problem.

  • Simon
    i can usually manage to pee beside another man, but not if that man happens to be black... i'll have to wait till he's finished. im not racist, but, just so you know, the stereotype is true... ALWAYS. and that can be intimidating. and you can't feel intimidated and pee at the same time

    Yeah, that can be awful and I know the feeling - standing there thinking my little 13 incher isn't as big as someone elses

  • myauntfanny

    Hah, reminds of a joke. Two guys are standing on a bridge and they have been drinking lots of beer so they both whip it out and hang it over the side for a piss. After a minute's companionable silence one says "boy, that water's cold." The other one answers "yeah, deep too."

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