MEN ONLY- Freezing up at the Urinal!

by Funchback 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Funchback

    CyrusThe Persian-

    Thanks for that link! Some highlights and facts include:

    "17 million Americans [have] shy bladder syndrome"

    "People [with SBS] get anxious and fear that others may be watching, listening, or waiting,"

    "The discussion of bodily functions is stigmatized in this country more than others, and yet our men's rooms do not allow for privacy,"

    "It's actually relatively easy to treat. We do a form of cognitive behavioral therapy, called graduated exposure therapy, where the person is gradually reintroduced to the feared situation."

  • SuperMommy

    Women go to the bathroom together to talk. I have been in women's bathrooms that have a sitting room in is nice and cozy. Couches, magazine, tables, pretty wallpaper. I think you men got the short end (no pun intended) when it come to bathrooms.

  • Dan-O

    The toilets in my high school locker room were the same way, Popper ... just a row of commodes with no divider walls or stall doors.

  • Funchback

    Leolaia asked:

    Do you really need to pee standing up? Why couldn't you go into a stall, lock the door, sit down, and pee. Would that help get around the problem??

    In a crowded men's bathroom, especially at a sporting event, its hard to get a stall because there are so few. Also, the issue isn't about STANDING or SITTING while you pee. However, I do think that a lack of privacy is a major part of the problem.

  • Funchback


    I guess I stand corrected. Some women can relate!

  • garybuss

    What you describe may be the early signs of an enlarged prostrate. Young men have enlarged prostrates all the time. They may be caused by a benign enlarged prostrate or they may be enlarged due to prostrate cancer. I'd take any bladder draining difficulties at all to a urologists fast. For many the first symptoms of an enlarged prostrate is a "shy" bladder.

    If you are a smoker, better check for bladder cancer too. I have lost three friends who were smokers to bladder cancer recently. It's a smoker's consequence that is not advertised enough as far as I am concerned. GaryB

  • Simon

    Who know's WHAT goes on in there ... whatever it is, it seems to take forever.

    (women's bathrooms)

  • Farkel

    : I know there have to be a lot of men out there who can't pee while in a crowded public restroom (bathroom).

    Yes. My best friend and I came up with a term for this when we were about 18 years old or so. We called it "nervous pee holdback!"


  • frankiespeakin


    I just got a good idea to desensatize your phobia,,deliberately go to the urinal and deliberately try not to pee. Do this a couple of times and deliberately don't pee,,and notice the embarasement you feel and confront the embarasement,,really challenge yourself to come up with a trulely justifiable reason for your embarasment. Then the next time you go to the urinal go with a big smile on face like you don't give shit whether you pee or not. I guarentee you feel much better about yourself.

  • Corvin

    I find it relaxes me to focus on comparing mine to the guys' on either side of me . . . is that wrong?

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