Gay Lesbian,Bisexual JW's : is there space for us? (please no bashing)

by to be or not to be jehovas witness 44 Replies latest social relationships

  • to be or not to be jehovas witness
    to be or not to be jehovas witness

    Gay Lesbian Bisexual JW followers.

    Now, I will begin this topic by saying i'm new. I am bisexual, and i found this website by typing in : Gay Latinos pictures. I am a jehovas witness to some extent. You see i was brought up in this religon where god doesent like people that are gay or of this nature, and everywhere i turn, everyone says the same thing. Im 16 years old, and its tuff, it is. I havent been to the congregation in a while about a year. My family just lost interest, but me I have my reasons for not going. I question myself everynight befor I go to sleep, will I be saved? Does god love me? I can not stop doing what I do, its my nature. I am so sorry, but i need to know is god going to love me? I am sitting here at my computer with tears. I know that the moment my family finds out about me: im out the door, so will god be there for me? I also question everynight to my self and cry myself to sleep, to is there really a god? So many religons out there, how do you know which ones the right one? They all say they are the right one, but how does someone know. Is there a god? Is there? Why wont he gives us solid proof that he is there. What happenes to us when we die. The bible clearly states that we are just sleeping. I cannot trust that. I'm only 16 and im already teriffied of dying. I dont want to die. Will god save me knowing how i am?

  • Gretchen956

    Its really hard to come out of the organization when you have to come out of the closet too. I want you to know you are not the only one. There are a few on this list, and there is a group over in yahoogroups called A Common Bond. ACB is a group of gay, lesbian, transgendered current and ex-jw's. Please sign up, I'm an administrator there and will definately approve you. You'll be able to talk to a lot of people who have walked in your shoes. Pull up, go to the groups section, and then search by "A Common Bond" and you'll see an area that lets you join. Or, you can IM me privately and I'll get your private email address and sign you up if you would prefer.

    At any rate, welcome to the list, and a big hug from your lesbo sister!


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Okay wow... Deep... I

    I can answer via spin or tell the truth.

    I assume you want to know what will the average JW on the street do. THey will tell you to marry the opposite sex or be celibate. The same advice they give to straight JWs. If you ask about sexual gratificationg they will say marriage is not about being sexually gratified. So on that aspect you don't have a double standard.

    Now on to real life. My advice is if you love Jehovah and do not want to be in a hetrosexual relationship then never get baptized and Just be a non-baptized publisher. There are MANY homosexual JWs that do this. And the remain at the threshold of the closet. Take some acting lessons YOU WILL NEED THEM.

    If you want to talk about what God think his sexual compass irratic. ALso the DFing system is broke and missapplied. This will take generations to fix. This is why I want to start an Off Grid hall project. To offer asylum for people in difficult stituations.

  • Cassiline

    and i found this website by typing in : Gay Latinos pictures.

    Simon? there something you're keeping from us?

    Welcome to the Forum To be or Not to be a jehovahs witness!!!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    My friend all I can tell you is Christ gave two, and only two, laws to his followers: love God and love your neighbor. Do these two things and God will have no problem with you.

    Is there a god?

    The oldest question in history. That is something for you to decide. I found my answer, and I took a long and painful road to find it. You must find your answer, and part of that answer is finding out who you are. I, for one, cannot believe in a God who is harsh, judgmental and mean. At the end of the day, we are what we are and somehow God cares for us just the same no matter who, or what, we are.

    Good luck.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Well, God made us all, obviously he loves us or he wouldn't have made us they way we are! Its simple really!

    Don't follow leaders! Trust yourself!

    The Pope

  • Nosferatu

    i found this website by typing in : Gay Latinos pictures.

    Shamus must have started that thread ;)

    Anyway, there are quite a few gay & bisexual ex-jws on here. There are also websites dedicated to this; sorry, I don't have the links but someone else will.

    Welcome aboard!

  • Xena

    I question myself everynight befor I go to sleep, will I be saved? Does god love me? I can not stop doing what I do, its my nature. I am so sorry, but i need to know is god going to love me? I am sitting here at my computer with tears. I know that the moment my family finds out about me: im out the door, so will god be there for me? I also question everynight to my self and cry myself to sleep, to is there really a god?

    You know I can't tell you for sure if there is a god or not....but I can tell you what I feel...and I feel that if there is a god he/she/it is a lot less judgemental and a lot more forgiving than most give credit seem like a kind, caring sincere person, why wouldn't god love you? I mean if I (an extremely imperfect human) views you this way how much more so would god?

    Welcome to the forum

  • ThiChi

    ??My friend all I can tell you is Christ gave two, and only two, laws to his followers: love God and love your neighbor. ??

    Big Tex.

    Your claim is not correct. Jesus also instructed his disciples on how to deal with disagreements within the congregation, which can lead to shunning, according to Jesus. Jesus also granted "Apostolic Authority" to some of his disciples while he was away. Paul is counted as one with Apostolic Authority.

    The second Law you left out (you only cited one of the two "greatest" laws") was to Love God with all your heart, which leads to keeping his commandments, which, Judeo/Christian ?laws? affect this subject. My advice, find a religion that does not adhear to Traditional Christianity.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    No thanks.

    Sorry Thi Chi, couldn't resist. If it helps, call me Chris.

    The second Law you left out was to Love God

    With all due respect, my exact post was:

    My friend all I can tell you is Christ gave two, and only two, laws to his followers: love God and love your neighbor.

    Here is the scripture I was quoting. It is Matt. 22:37-40

    37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' [2] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' [3] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

    Personally I received enough judgment from Jehovah's Witnesses. If I were to turn around and pass that along to someone else, I would have learned nothing from that experience. I cannot in good conscience do that. What two consenting adults do to, or with, each other is none of my business. It is irrelevent whether I, or anyone else approve of homosexuality. I just can't find it within myself to hate. Being a traditional Christian, you should be aware of Christ's words:

    When Peter saw him, he asked, Lord, what about him? Jesus answered, If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.

    In the meantime, I do not think it is a good idea to hijack someone else's thread for this discussion. If you feel strongly about it, then please start your own thread.

    Be well,


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