Gay Lesbian,Bisexual JW's : is there space for us? (please no bashing)

by to be or not to be jehovas witness 44 Replies latest social relationships

  • Kenneson


    The sun shines upon the gay and non-gay and the rain falls on all. God doesn't withhold either because of anyone's sexual orientation. Why would he not love you? Does a tree withhold its shade because of one sexual orientation? Jesus associated with sinners, the despised and outcasts of society. If Jehovah's Witnesses don't want to associate with you, it is they who have a problem, not Jesus nor you. It's called pharisaical self-righteousness. Maybe some JWs are free of sexual sins, but then maybe they're guilty of pride. By the way, wasn't that one of the causes of Satan's downfall? They might want you to stop what they consider a particular sin, but if they examine themselves truthfully they may find that they are guilty of backbiting, gossiping, lying, greed, anger and numerous other sins that they need to extricate from their own lives. Peace be with you.

  • to be or not to be jehovas witness
    to be or not to be jehovas witness

    Is this website only for ex jw's?

  • to be or not to be jehovas witness
    to be or not to be jehovas witness

    Omg once again. I just want to thank everyone. Im so glad to have run into this site.

    what does this mean in ( )


    i was on all of these when i was sent to a psychiatric hospital for about 2 monthes for trying to kill myself -eh-

    Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac

    omg whats going to hapen in sptemeber >?

    It will all still be there in September
  • scotsman

    It's mainly ex-Witnesses that are on here, but there are some who are going through the process of leaving.

    ( ) is someone giving you a hug.

    df'ed - shorthand for disfellowshipped.

    Nothing is happening in September, it's the end of summer, that's all.

    To Be, if you've been in a psych ward, did you talk to your doctors about your sexual orientation and your religion?

  • xLaurax

    Hi... and welcome !!

    I belive that we are the same age. I know what you mean when you say that there are strict rules amongst Jw when it comes to sexuality.I know that if my mother was to find out that one of her children was gay or even bisexual she would freak. She told us that we would never be able to bring our boyfriend/girlfriend back to the house. Now that doesn't really affect us because we are all 'straight' - if thats how you put it. But it is still a very annoying thing to know.

    And in answer to your question.... weare not all ex-Jw's. Well i personally am not (yet!) - like you i attended the meetings but with my mother because my dad was not religious. I haven't gone for months now and have even stopped attending the group meetings on a tuesday. I don't know what to belive - if there is a God or whether science really is the cause for us being here. Both seem inconclusive to me. But it's good to hear from you, alot of the people on here are very nice and will offer you some great advice.If you ever need to talk,feel free to pm me.


  • HappyDad

    First of all ...............GOD LOVES YOU! I'm a newby myself and use to be an elder who judged.(according to what I was told.....not the scriptures}

    to make a long story 1989 I went to Alchoholics Annonymous because I was drinking so much to cover all the negative feelings that were taking place as an elder and that were destroying my family life. Even though today I do not follow the AA steps (because I like to have a few beers now and then) I still go to AA meetings now and then. I can say that some of my (until this day BEST friendships} are some Lesbians. I love them to death because they are not judgemental and have a true love of God. They have been there for me and I will always be the friend they need. I'm not saying that the practice is right...........but I too have fantasized about making it with a man.....and maybe could carry it out.{not sure} I really like women! But.........I cannot see condemning anyone to everlasting destruction because of some tendancy! Get happy and comfortable with yourself and good things will happen to you. It's funny.........when I went to AA....I was still and elder.(but the doubts was making me wonder if I should be) and I bought a bumper sticker at the local AA club that said.........."HAPPINESS IS AN INSIDE JOB" and put it on my rear bumper. Now keep in mind......I was still an elder! Needless to say..I had a few questions from the friends at the KH about it, but I just told them that ............That was my own feeliings. I wonder what they would have said if I had a bumper sticker that said ........MY BOSS IS A JEWISH CARPENTER



  • SixofNine
    I bought a bumper sticker at the local AA club that said.........."HAPPINESS IS AN INSIDE JOB" and put it on my rear bumper.

    Now if that's not freudian, I don't know what is.

  • Farkel


    : So many religons out there, how do you know which ones the right one?

    None of them. It's up to YOU to find your destiny.

    Have a nice journey, because it IS a journey of discovery! I cannot help you. I'm clueless, and all of my children are MUCH older than you are.


  • to be or not to be jehovas witness
    to be or not to be jehovas witness

    Thanx you guys so much. This all has been great, ive been feeling much better. Also i have more strenght in me than ever before. Im more true to myself and all. but a litte more on the sad news...I have an online journal with which i write all of my daily BS. I've showed it to many people, like my teachers. My english teacher showed it to a author, and she said that the author said that it's so sad that its great. She said i could try and get it published. . Then my uncle came along and stumbbled upon it, and threatend to tell my entire family that he "thinks" that im gay, and show them prof of it in my journal. (since ive never said it straght out in my journal, but you can guess i am through my writings). He made compies of it, and i was so scarred that i told the website to terminate my diary without even thinking of saving the entries. well...My diary is deleted and my uncle is the only one who has copies of it. H e said taht if i ever ask for the copy again, or if i ever talk to him again hell tell my family. Please (on the verge of tears) WHAT SHOULD I DO ?

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Wow! You poor thing. I bet that's a sickening feeling for you. I have NO idea what to do. I just wanted to let you know that I'm sure you'll find the strength to get through this and make whatever decision will benefit you. The links you were given are very beneficial. I hope you can find some good advice, unlike my own. But I do wish the best for you in your future. It's sad that in this day and age people still have to live in such fear.

    big *MUAHS* to you

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