Gay Lesbian,Bisexual JW's : is there space for us? (please no bashing)

by to be or not to be jehovas witness 44 Replies latest social relationships

  • Gretchen956

    This is criminal! I sometimes wonder why its so easy for some JWs to use fear of destruction as such a weapon. This is emotional blackmail. Your uncle has some 'splaining of his own to due come any sort of judgement day.

    In the meantime, remember to breathe and live with your head held high. You are a worthy blessed individual. I'm sorry for all the stuff you are going through right now. You can pm me or any of the other gays here or for that matter most of the straight folks if you need support.

    Good luck,



    I would recommend reading some of the stories posted on Mike Ferguson's site. My story is there (it's a long, long read) as well as many others. There are men and women of all ages, different ethnic backgrounds from all around the globe. All of us have been Jehovah's Witnesses, and are gay.

    Give it a read. There are some heart wrenching stories there.

  • jst2laws

    Tobe or not tobe,

    Have you asked you teacher if he/she downloaded a copy, or if the author perhaps has a digital copy. If not try the website manager and see if it is too late to undelete your file. If not he will surely have backup copies going back to an earlier date so you should be able to get a copy of most of it.

    While you have found many resources for support with your perticular needs, I'm am glad you came here and happy for the response you received. Hope you now realize it is not you that is so odd but it is those who condemn you. As to God, like others have said, you are beginning a journey. The first thing you will realize on this journey is that answers in this area are not so black and white as we were told in our fundamentalist JW upbringing. But you will find answers that will meet your needs. You will be HAPPY again some day. Hang on.

    Scotsman and Gretchen, You both and everyone else have been great.

    Razorblade, we have improved, haven't we?


  • scotsman

    To be

    The age of blackmailing homosexuals doesn't seem to be quite over! You poor thing. Don't talk to your uncle again (he's been a creep), and speak to the webmaster.

    Glad you're feeling better.

  • Brummie

    Tobe, I feel sad for you having to go through this, experience and age will allow you the freedom you seek, at the end of the day you have a life to live and other people should encourage you along, sorry you have to experience the bad feelings. :(


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