This is about out beloved Dansk

by mouthy 606 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dansk

    Some really GREAT news! Coming home from the hospital yesterday I turned to Claire, who was driving, and said that I must telephone my sister, Sandra, whom I haven't spoken to in over 8 years due to a stupid petty argument. Sandra was never a JW and the argument was JW-related (all my fault, I was holier than thou in those days ).

    Anyway, I planned to 'phone Sandra last night when, suddenly, the 'phone rang. It was Sandra!! She said she'd been thinking of me virtually every day since we parted and that my older daughter, Jody, had telephoned her to tell her of my condition (Jody hasn't yet been in touch). There are no such things as coincidences. This was meant to be.

    Sandra told me how much she loved me (she's six years older than I) and that she wished it was she who had the cancer and not me. THAT brought me to tears

    Anyway, we're meeting up tonight at my house It took a serious illness but, gradually, my family is getting back together.

    Thanks to those of you who have recently posted upbuilding messages. I read EVERY ONE!!

    Sincere love to all,


  • LittleToe

    This thread isn't the place for it, but I'd love to hear a scientific explanation for that one

    That's great news, pal!

  • cruzanheart

    (((((Ian))))) Chemo is just another step in your journey. Whatever happens, the inner "you" will always be intact. Will they drip the chemo directly on the tumor? That seems to be most effective, from what I've heard.

    You're in my prayers!



  • Sirona

    Ian that is GREAT!!!

    So happy that you got back in touch.


  • qwerty

    "Sandra told me how much she loved me (she's six years older than I) and that she wished it was she who had the cancer and not me. THAT brought me to tears"

    Fantasic, that brought tears to my eyes too!

    I echo the words of Sirona about no bad after effect of the Chemo.


  • Angharad


    Hope the cemo goes well.

    Great news about your sister

  • desib77

    I'm so glad you get to reconnect with your sister.....


  • Billygoat


    I am so glad to hear about your sister. But I'm sorry to hear about the chemo. I don't know if it makes it any better, but hundreds of thousands of people take chemo and survive and overcome cancer. Like someone else said, this is just another step in your journey. You WILL overcome this.



  • ChristianObserver

    Ian - so happy to hear about your sister.

    Great timing and may you all have a ball tonight :o)

  • mouthy


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