The history of Islam

by Elsewhere 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThiChi

    Scotman: Nice try. I am 100% free speech.

    However, The bigger question is would the Muslims use Nukes on us if they could? Would the Muslims destroy us by any means, if they could? Based on the last 1600 years, the answer is yes. You are really arguing a Straw Man here. Drinker?s efficient killing wishes may be more humane than sawing off heads while Mr. Berg screams, or mangling people with car the efficiency of Nukes you argue, or are you for slow death? Who knows? I do know we must stop this onslaught in the name of Alla.


    You need to live in a Mulim country and see how far you

    lol. No one has claimed that "all" Muslims think or act the same way. Again, more circular reasoning. However, what is the history of Governments that are Muslims? Upon examination, your claims do not merit any consideration at all.

    The only benefit here is your very telling way you engage people. Insults, insinuations and dogmatism. For an atheist, you prove that your beliefs are possibly more of a religion than Christians or Muslims. A good example of throwing the baby out with the bath water....

  • ThiChi

    ""Who are *we* to go in and say that their religion, and therefore their law, is bogus, and the only way they can live peacefully is by accepting democracy? Why did it become the US's mission to make all these middle eastern countries democratic?""

    Yea! Lets support dictators! Lets let them breed and have a place to hangout and plan for the next attack on America and Spain and England and the Philippines Yea! They have a right to attack the world.!! Right on! Women should be treated as property, what were we thinking?

    Shame on us for doing the same with Hitler!! Let him alone! How dare we bring Democracy to replace Fascists !! What is wrong with Thank God people like you are in the minority!!

    If Hitler would of won, people like you would be working in a slave camp somewhere or be turned into a bar of soap.

  • scotsman

    Thi Chi

    I'm unclear as to what your answer to my question was. Is the annhilation of Muslim nations something you are in favour of?

  • ThiChi


    What do you care of my opnion? I refer you to my response and let the record speak for itself......How about answering my questions? Then I my give you a little more...Quiq Pro Quo, Doctor....

    PS: That was not your question....

  • scotsman

    My question was whether or not you agreed with Crazy. Do you?

  • scotsman

    To answer your two questions:

    The bigger question is would the Muslims use Nukes on us if they could?

    Islamist extremists may but the Muslims in my apartment building are all opposed to terrorism. Which one qualifies as a Muslim?

    Would the Muslims destroy us by any means, if they could?

    Some would want to, some wouldn't. A bit like there are some Christians would want to destry Islam, and some wouldn't.

  • ThiChi

    I do not understand your question. Do you object to the efficient way Drinker wants to end this aggression, or do you argue for a slow process like what we have endured? Or, are you asking what the object of war is? And does Drinkers wish meet that objection? Or, do you feel Drinker cannot wish upon the aggressors the same as they have against us?

    I agree with the "Just War" principle of St. Augustine.

  • ThiChi

    There are Americans who disagree with America, does that stop America, or make every one else less American?

    Your "Exception" rule is not convincing. What would be convincing, would be to produce one "Muslim" Nation in history that was not aggressive, was not intolerant and demeaning to Woman?s and other religion?s rights.

  • scotsman

    We're getting no where, fast Thi Chi. I'll bow out. Good luck.

    Mary. I'm glad you understood my question, thanks for answering it.

  • truthseeker1

    I've figured out how to solve the problem, and I think America is doing their best to do it.

    Mid-easterners want westerners out of the area. Westerners need the oil that is in the Mid-east, for now. But as the west is developing technology that doesn't use the fossile fules found in the mid-east. By the time the west has an society powered by non-oil products, the west will have used up all the resources in the mid-east. They'll have their money and their land. the west won't have any interests there anymore, so they'll leave and everyone will be happy. So lets do our part and use up all their resources. Buy those Hummers, Escalades and Navagators!

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