Ah.(((leander))) i;m so sorry.... i've just spent the past two hours telling my husband I can't live with him anymore and having to watch the tears flow and his heart break because of me.
It makes me feel like a total shit and however much I dislike him, I'm a mess lately.
I don't like to upsetting people either, and have added complications of him refusing , again, to leave and we have three children who see me as the villain this week, which is killing me....but you seem to have reached the point of no return in your own mind without those added stresses-you could move out and only have you wife to worry about...I reached my decision it months ago and if I did'nt have children the act of leaving would be so much easier..adults will cope eventually..try living with the sadness of a boy who cries for his father every night on.the occasions we've split up in the past.... I literally have to get up on the hour to comfort him as he's so hysterical... whatever he can be like as a husband; he's a brillian father 99% of the time and taking him from his children will kill him mentally..though staying is killing me.
At the moment i'm feeling like just running;I have an indescribable urge to run away from everything , my husband , house, children , job, friends...and just disappear. the stress is almost too much to bear.I wish everyday he'd just go off me and go..but I know he won't and ultimately it's gonna be down to me.
If you don't have children you could still be a good friend to you wife you could help her, if she'll let you. odd as it sounds it caan work..making the split less sudden and final....you can help her to come to terms with loosing you....by being there for her when she needs support and letting her know you love her as a person.I helped my ex husband when he got really low...feeling left and bereft is the killer....
It can take years to get over someone but your wife may eventually appreciate your honesty and will get over you...
There's so much guilt involved in these situations....and research has now shown that the more break ups we have the more our mental health is affected which suggests we're not getting over them...it's a process of loss and mourning...does she have lots of good friends that will support her?
I agree that people brought up as witnesses need to sometimes 'rediscover' themselves after so many restrictions it's healthy and natural...but very sad for the partner who has'nt reached that stage. I do , incedently,have a few non witness friends who are still with their only partner and theyre very happy........the grass is'nt always greener...
Councelling would be a good start..at least your wife will get a chance to tell someone how she feels which can only do her good, and who knows, she may start to see things differently and leave you first....
Good Luck and lots of love to both of you.xxxx