i wish i would understand quantum mechanics! but it seems "understanding" in this matter can only mean being able to describe the properties of the elementary objects that form matter and energy. as far as i know nobody really understands what a photon or an electron is or why they behave the way they do. our brains are not constructed to grasp the true nature of these things. (think about the wave-particle dualism for instance or the break down of causality).
therefore i would not dare to argue for or against the idea that particles become real only when they are observed. Intuitively i would stick to einsteins view and say that particles are REAL whether observed or not - but then again intuitively i would also say that time is something absolut - and it is not.
you correctly stateted the meaning of the anthropic principle - but this is not really related to the copenhagen interpretation (which states that particles are unreal unless observed - i.e. there really is no proton and electron circling it unless it interacts with something called an observer). the anthropic principle mearly states that if the laws of the universe and the start conditions at the big bang would have been different than indeed we would not be here and could not ask the question as to why the things are the way they are.