I consider the book much different than this site however because in this site very few of us have such a detailed knowledge of the bible and greek as Ray Franz does. Many of us in this site just are recanting bad and funny experiences that changed our hearts, however Franz had PROOF as to why he departed the Society. I do admit he tends to be a little full of himself, but He has the knowledge to back up his words.
Just As A Matter Of Curiosity..........
by hillary_step 62 Replies latest jw friends
In retrospect I wish I had been more understanding and kind in dealing with her doubts. But I was in such shock and so angry and upset when I figured out I'd been lied to by the WT Society I was blind to her feelings of shock and devastation. We had a nice life and it must have really torn her up that her husband would turn against the Society and totally upend our lives as we knew them.
I found this comment very touching. I hope that many learn from your experience and honesty and first try a route of gentleness and patience. It may not work, but is certainly worth trying.
Take care Metatron - HS
Erica, I only knew Ken in the 90's but he was originally from Akron/Canton, that I do know. I thought he was in Columbus (my fair city) in the 80's but I could be wrong.
Stocky guy, large nose with a big scar, worked as a mail carrier. I think we must be talking about the same guy. His wife *hates* the JW's and opposes him bitterly. Last I heard that is, which was 2 1/2 years ago. I have no JW contacts so he could be dead now for all I know. He's the type of guy you'd expect to drop from a heart attack.
By the way hillary step, you've called megadude metatron twice now in this thread. He's probably too polite to point it out but I'm not. LOL
Should it surprise you? The book is a typical "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" tale. It is very similar to the posts on this forum that ridicule all Witnesses of Jehovah for their faith.
isn't that typical witness talk right there? "We have the truth, and everyone else is wrong", sound familiar? Besides, most of the wts' writings ridicule other people and their faiths.
Even as a JW, I was never afraid to read critical material. It generally took only a moment or two to note some factual error and I would smile self-assuredly and scan the rest of the tract, letter, pamphlet etc.
After reading a couple of pages of CofC posted on the internet, that self-assurance disappeared. The excerpt concerned a governing body meeting considering a proposal to adjust the start of the last days to 1957 to coincide with the Sputnik satellite and subsequent "signs in sun, moon and stars." The idea was voted down. But just the thought that Schroeder, Kline and Suiter would seriously propose it and the fact that the doctrine change died because it lacked the necessary votes was disillusioning to say the least.
So then I ordered the book from Amazon . . . . . .
I would be surprised if "Scholar" and Furuli (sp?) have not read it.
logansrun wrote:
For a JW to even be open to reading CoC would be indicative of a questioning attitude (at least about some things). I think that CoC is, for many people, not the atom bomb that comes out of nowhere, but the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Methinks the youngster has a valid point here. This "test" may be skewed by the fact that a JW who touches this demonized book has already begun the descent into questioning, thus they are not pure to start with.
From my personal experience, I was disillusioned, wanting out of a bad marriage, and looking for any excuse to leave. I would never have found the information I needed, if not for the internet which became easily available to me in 1996. I found Randy's "Bethel Chronicles" and recognized his story from the same account as told to me by a CO I was close to. The story was identical, only the bad-guys had changed. It all suddenly made perfect sense.
After that, I read COC, but the tapestry of my belief system had already begun to unravel. I don't think one book can change your life (despite what the author of "Purpose Driven Life" would like to think), but Ray's account certainly poured gasoline on my spark.
Wasa (stop me, please, before I analogy again)
My observation is that "sword" doesn't have the "b***s to answer your question, or in his frame of mind feels that "no answer is better than knowing the truth".
I guess that things sink in and stay that are not always noticable.
I remember reading Barbara Harrison's "Visions Of Glory' in the late 70's when I was a carefully washed and pressed Pioneer. I remember reading a very touching section where a JW in her local congregation, a man whom she had grown to love and respect, keeled over and died during a party on night. The ambulance was called and before it arrived everybody was instructed by one of the JW's present, even the mans wife, to make sure that all gave a good 'witness' to the ambulance staff.
I remember being horrified at this scenario. It was too appalling to contemplate, yet I knew that it was a typical JW reaction to such a tragedy. That little passage would often run through my mind when I sat at meetings , or contemplated the callouses on my back side at an Assembly. Such cameos of misery remain with people locked in their psyche, perhaps even within the psyche of such as 'Scholar' and Furuli.
Best regards - HS
My observation is that "sword" doesn't have the "b***s to answer your question, or in his frame of mind feels that "no answer is better than knowing the truth".
SwordOfJah appears every so often just to yank a few chains. He has about as much credibility as a garden gnome.