Just As A Matter Of Curiosity..........

by hillary_step 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister

    HS, interesting comment. You were "horrified" by this account in the late 70's, yet remained a Witness in good standing until much later. (Please correct me if I misunderstood your situation.)

    What made you ignore your personal radar and keep up the act for another few decades?

    Wasa/ guilty of the same thing

  • gumby
    It strikes me as astonishing that an Organization whose structure so deftly defies frontal attacks, can actually be overturned with such ease by one book.

    Yes it is amazing. We're lucky it was Ray who left the GB to write a book. Who could have done a better job from the GB?

    I think "all the questions" we had as dubs, were put on the back burner of our spirituality and minds because that's how we were taught......were unfolded throughout the book.

    As for do I know anyone who remained a dub after reading COC, ....I know of someone on this board who remained in 10 years AFTER reading it.


  • hillary_step


    By the way hillary step, you've called megadude metatron twice now in this thread. He's probably too polite to point it out but I'm not. LOL

    In the eternal chant of XJW discussion board bores - prove it!....lol

    Best regards - HS

  • Corvin

    I really can't imagine anyone who would remain in the org, at least mentally and emotionally, after reading Franz's book. There are, however, quite a few JW's who post over at the E-Watchman's forum who say they have read the book and refuse to leave the org. They feel that Franz is the ultimate apostate under Satan's control. Strange, but it's true.


  • Quotes

    Speaking on behalf of Uzzah, he once told me he read it, and his response was "Big deal" since it only relayed problems that everyone in Bethel already knew about.

    Interestingly, Uzzah said that Apocalypse Delayed had a much bigger impact on him.

    Sorry for speaking on your behalf Uzzah, I just hadn't seen you chime in yet. :)

  • Quotes

    Limp-Wristed-Phallic-Metaphor-of-Rasta, a.k.a. SwordofJah, wrote:


    The book is a typical "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" tale.


    NOT read this book. Maybe you read the cover, and maybe you skimmed a few pages in the bookstore. But the last think Ray Franz suggests it that "he" is right and everyone else is wrong. To summarize this book in this manner is grossly incorrect, and leads to the obviousl conclusion that you are not familiar with the books contents. In other words, you are telling a lie... whoops, I mean commiting "spiritual warfare(tm)" when you say you read it.

    Similarly, the Amazon.com review who referred, repeatedly mind you, to Raymond "Frantz" obviously did not read the book. Honestly, how dumb would someone have to be, reading a book of this length, picking it up and seeing the cover perhaps 100 times, and still get the (simple and straigh-forward) spelling of the author's name wrong? How dumb would this person have to be?..... oh..... we are talking about a JW apologist.... never mind! ;)

    ~Quotes, of the "Calling Them As I See Them" class

  • avishai
    a typical "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" tale

    Much like almost all of your posts.

    That being said, how've you been and what have you been up too, sword?

  • onacruse

    I read the 1st edition of COC.

    It was so true, especially insofar as I personally knew of many of the things he said; it literally made me sick.

    I tore the book to pieces, and threw it in a trash can at the public park where I read it (couldn't have the book in my JW house, after all)...

    and stayed "in" for another decade.

    Go figure.


  • LoyalLeon

    I read parts of it in books I thought to be unconspicuous in the local library at the time of my baptism as a teenager. I was not shocked at all, it confirmed to me, that the experiences of family members, who had more contacts to higher-ups were evidently not made up, but true. So I was used to a certain degree of critical approach in the post-75 era.

    Over the years i made my own experiences with the imperfections of the organization, reading eventually the whole of CoC, joining this board, which nonetheless didn't stop me from my belief in God and the fact that he uses an organization. Evidently no perfection can be found anywhere, but personally I didn't find any alternative.

    So I try to do my part to live the Bible's principles and apply some of the quite excellent suggestions in the magazines, (nice ones in this week's Watchtower study...) though it is hard to do so if you have to deal with the average-minded elder...; but the ideals are good and people will need 1000+ years to get where they ought to be in the first place.


  • happy man
    happy man

    Mixed filings i must say, first i thougt that´it was fynn´t that F say he was not apostate and he have no studie togehter widh others in brooklyn tom only ´studie the bibel and not Wt litteratur.

    i think the book was a very good exampel that he was apostate and some even tell they have studdie in broklyn to find new light only reading the bibel.I now from before that lying is noting unusal fore high men in jW, so this surpise me not.

    now i think that if he hav been sucsessfull perhaps we have seen unoter JW system, as it is now die hard in charge in almost evry cong, this was a something internet show mee, before I think it was only in my cong, I was very surprised when i find this complain all over.

    But whats take me most hard is not the book it is how we handel this terribel silent lambs thing, fore my life i never can undrstand why the Gb take this position, here in Sweden it have a very havy inpackt on our work it was a new program unother week, widh uppfollow from Anders case, where they show very effecktiv how the dfd thing work they have send out Anders to the kingdom hall and he say helleo to evryone, nowan say hello to him, only ackt like he was not there. they filmed this in secret, so ones again JW was fouled, and this can not be told as lies evryone saw this .

    To go out to evry assambley and say this is a bigg lie was a very bad move from Gb, evry JW now howe it works widh confidentiality and that nowan have the right to no whats happend, at least if it is hidden reprooof.

    Many in our cong are very sad about this even if they dont say so much, but deep in the hart they now.

    Love from HM

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