Why cannot some people say the words..."I love you".

by gumby 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    Thunder monsters aka: Parents never say it either. Their 6 beautiful daughters sat down with Mommy monster and told her the pain she caused them she said "I never wanted to say something I didn't mean."

    FORTHELOVEOF GOD HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE YOUR OWN KIDS ?????? Needless to say she is now in Hawaii and I couldn't be happier she is no longer on the mainland to torment her children.

    Thunder never heard it and it took him years before he said it often, now he sees what damage it causes and tell me and the kids how much he loves us.

  • ohiocowboy

    {{{{{{{{{{{{Notperfectyet}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}-Me sorry too.....

    I have thought all day about this question, and have been asking myself why is it so hard for me to say those words sometimes, and maybe some can relate to this. I used to be a very Vocal person when it came to my feelings, and sometimes that got me into trouble. A few of the times when I did say I loved someone, and I really did mean it, it seemed to scare them away. Not sure if it was the fear of commitment factor, or not. Over time, I learned to hold my emotions in, for fear that it would chase more people away. So, I think that maybe early experiences caused me to put up a "shield" for self-protection to avoid hurt. I do tell people that I love them, but find it very difficult at times, and when I do, it is a true expression from the heart.....

    In addition, while growing up, My father told me several times "I hate you-your not my son", and then when it came time for bed, he would say "I love you". OK -which one is it??? Maybe hearing negative things while younger can have an impact on what we say or don't say in our adulthood and keep us from expressing those words.

  • Sunnygal41

    Well, this thread has become quite a beautiful gold mine.......a treasure trove of all the different levels to consider about ourselves, humans, love, life.............I'm liking it very much! Got lots out of your breakdown, Tal.Yours too, Puter. Thanks for sharing the insights, everyone!


  • eljefe

    For me trust is paramount to love someone. I have a very dificult time trusting and therefore loving. I especially have a hard time trusting after leaving JWs (too much deceit from them). It is something I will have to work on, but it isn't the end of the world for me.

  • gumby


    So......is there someone other than your kids ( if you have any )..that you love?


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