He only voted yes on that because he believed the information he had been lied to about.
i just really think this is a copout. the same argument can be made about bush, that he was "lied" to by our intelligence agencies, and thats why he truly believed iraq had wmd stockpiles. clinton gave the exact same information to our nation about saddams wmd stockpiles....did clinton also lie to us? if he did, couldnt the case be made that bush had false beliefs about saddam and iraq due to the "false" information he had been given by clinton? (surely the bush administration didnt scrap all intelligence records and documents from the former administration when they took office.) its really an argument that falls flat when take everyones statements (dating back to clinton) into consideration. when you start saying one side lied and the other side didnt, youre just following partisan lines.
my personal opinion is that clinton and bush both truly believed saddam had substantial wmds, and for good reason.....he couldnt or refused to prove he destroyed them. its a pretty simple conclusion to come to unless you have a personal agenda against one party.