
by Lostreality 215 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman
    Why only a law for non relatives? How would that be fair to a baby who was just born and none of his family are a match? It's not his fault he exists. Would you fault all those selfish people out there not willing to die for a child they did not want in the first place?

    Did I say there should be a law only for non-relatives? I didn't say that, there shouldn't be a law for non-relatives, only for relatives only. Please re-read what I just said above. Yiz

  • truthseeker1
    And you all want the mother not to have a chioce as well, let me say again those who became pregnant without consent.

    Well actually, the mother is the one carrying the baby so she has the choice to carry it or not. I sure as hell don't. If I was to become pregnant, then I would have the choice. But being a man, I can't so I wont.

    I was just pointing out that the baby has no choice because it doesn't have a brain developed enough to voice its opinion. It actually doesn't have an opinion because it hasn't had any experiences to base that opinion on.

  • Cassiline
    Why only a law for non relatives? How would that be fair to a baby who was just born and none of his family are a match? It's not his fault he exists. Would you fault all those selfish people out there not willing to die for a child they did not want in the first place?
    Did I say there should be a law only for non-relatives? I didn't say that, there shouldn't be a law for non-relatives, only for relatives only. Please re-read what I just said above.

    Sorry Yiz, I did read it and I meant to type:

    Why only a law for relatives? How would that be fair to a baby who was just born and none of his family are a match? It's not his fault he exists. Would you fault all those selfish people out there not willing to die for a child they did not want in the first place?

  • Yizuman
    Revenge? Yiz.... you don't know anything about rape and the feelings attached to such with a comment such as this. If you have been the victim of rape I truly am sorry

    Yes revenge, that's exactly what it is. Killing a baby just because she was raped is wrong. Just because the baby is a product of a rape doesn't mean the baby is a rapist. The baby absolutely had nothing to do with the rape, it was the man who raped her. Years ago it was a capital crime to rape someone, a man used to be sentenced to death because of the rape. But the rape hugging Liberals reversed the law and gave man a prison sentence instead. In some cases, the rapist gets only a few years in prison. I cannot think of a worse insult to a woman who survived a rape only to get slapped in the face because a rapist got a short sentence. Still, nonetheless, the baby is NOT AT FAULT because of the rape, therefore if the woman doesn't want the baby, the baby should then be given up for adoption instead. Yiz

  • Cassiline
    Years ago it was a capital crime to rape someone, a man used to be sentenced to death because of the rape. But the rape hugging Liberals reversed the law and gave man a prison sentence instead. In some cases, the rapist gets only a few years in prison. I cannot think of a worse insult to a woman who survived a rape only to get slapped in the face because a rapist got a short sentence.

    The woman only gets a nine month sentence, and possible the death sentence if she is a high risk pregnancy or if there is complications. She did not do a damn thing wrong. Your logic makes no sense. Again until you are raped and know the feelings associated with such you have no clue as to which you are speaking when it comes to revenge.


  • Cassiline
    The woman only gets a nine month sentence, and possible the death sentence

    Make that the woman may only get a 9 month sentence possibly a LIFE sentence if she choose to keep the baby or adopt the baby out. Death sentence still applies


  • Yizuman
    Why only a law for relatives? How would that be fair to a baby who was just born and none of his family are a match? It's not his fault he exists. Would you fault all those selfish people out there not willing to die for a child they did not want in the first place?

    Because to say "It's better the baby be dead than me" is selfishly wrong. I cannot fathom how heartless a human being that could be so cruel to a baby, who would not give a helpless little infant a chance at life. It's like leaving a crying baby in the middle of the street while everyone walking by on the street is ignoring the baby. People who think "We got more important matters to attend to than to take interest in a crying baby lying in the middle of the street." Yiz

  • Cassiline
    Because to say "It's better the baby be dead than me" is selfishly wrong.

    Is it? The law which you favor could have the government demanding YOU to donate your organs. You may have been forced to do such at the young age of 13 or 14. This surgery could kill you. And you tell your Mom and Dad, NO I WANT TO live, I don't want to give my 15th cousin 20 times removed a part of my liver and one kidney.

    Mom and Dad say to you. " You selfish little prick, you sure as hell will die for your hardly known cousin!" Or they could say. " We don't think it fair either, we will fight to assure your life is not put at risk!


  • Yizuman
    The woman only gets a nine month sentence, and possible the death sentence if she is a high risk pregnancy or if there is complications. She did not do a damn thing wrong. Your logic makes no sense. Again until you are raped and know the feelings associated with such you have no clue as to which you are speaking when it comes to revenge.

    Just because a woman who got raped does not mean it grants the woman the right to kill the unborn child or to be selfish about it. If she's a high risk pregancy and could die in 9 months, the only thing I could take ABSOLUTE exception is that if the baby is not going to survive living through the 9 month month period. However, if the baby is proved to be (or is going to be) absolutely healthy in the full nine months time, then the baby must have a higher priority than the mother. Sorry, but babies are more important and they are our future, the baby should have a chance at life, even if it means the mother will die. Many mothers who have faced this delemma(s?), as I have read from time to time, choose to give up her life in order for the baby to live. While it made me feel sad for the mother, but at the same time it made me glad the baby was given a shot at life. People cannot see the value of a child, that's sad. People equates babies with money, to see whether or not it's economically feastable to have the baby or kill the child. Why anyone want to butcher a child is beyond my comprehension. Let me ask you this, how can you sleep at night knowing a baby is being butchered at a abortion mill? Or the fact that over 40 million babies have been slaughtered since 1973? Yiz

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I'm going to jump in here real quick.

    First off, I think abortion is wrong. I would not want my wife to have one. I know she feels the same way. But that is based on OUR beliefs.

    However, I feel and believe that all life belongs to God. God gave us all free will. If a women chooses to have an abortion, well, that's her decision. She alone will have to face the consequences of that decision.


    When we die, many people believe that we all have to stand before the throne of God and give an account of our life and all the things we've done. God will judge those in His own way. What person really has the right to tell another what to believe and what decisions to make? I could never understand why so many people love to play God and judge other people for these type of decisions.

    OK, I'll jump back out now....

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