Sheila that was a touching poem. I took it as one soilder saying what a large group of soilders are feeling,,,,,,,like you said past and present.
I agree with what Wednesday said,,,,,,, I can't go out and fight in a war, but I do support our troops because they are making our home a safer place for my children. That is the most important thing to me, the future of my children. My son is 17 1/2 and he doesnt want to be drafted , God knows I would probably fall apart if that happened. But, he told me he wouldnt run, he would go and serve the best that he possibly could. I don't know all about the ins and outs of this war going on,,,,,,enough to have an intellengent converstation , informed anyway about it. I am thankful for what ones like your son are doing, and it is VERY much appreciated by many. You just never know what the future holds , it could be one of our children going to war like your son, and I just think it is so important to be supportive , even if we don't totally , or even not at all, agree with this war.
((((((((Sheila and Family)))))))))