My sentiment here is that I feel like yeah there is a time for everything, but the title "this explains a lot" match with "propaganda or explaination" a title like "he trys his best" or something like that would might had been the best appeal for understanding. But Your title did it's effect.
Still :
I'm really sorry for you, but moreover for your son and the repercution he might have to face in the short or long run, about the why's and the how's (or worse). (what about the Vietnam's veterans ?)
Did he have the choice as engaged ? but to go fighting (that is when I feel even bader about that for him) That is why I'm against a professional (non technical - engagement in military but for survey) just because it doesn't give each individual the choice when it's really important about the WHY.
Maybe he feels good about that, and that's better for him ("if" he is on the battle field) to stand the situation ... and that is the only reason why I can understand (him and his familly) your views and ways ... but it doesn't help to accept your views ... that is when tolerance get into priority matter. And the priority here for everybody (to me) is not to support your views because :
We want him safe and back to home (ASAP) so in some ways without you to notice because of your need to feel good about the reasons why (to stand it or because you feel right), we are fighting against this war in our own ways. It is not against you at all ...
In substance what I think is that if the world views on this war was ok about it ... more sons on the battle field and longer (cause the irakies won't give up, and react in a way or an other - this war was not fair and not worthy) ... there will be no honor out of it ... just sadness and pitty nor anger.
WE ASK FOR HIS RETURN HOME cause we feel for him and the others (both sides) and not for the CAUSE.