Baby Grrl...
Sorry hon, but your b/f is not doing things "right" in the organization. I know because I was raised a JW. He could get in trouble for just "associating" with you, much less dating.
Their current beliefs are that if you start dating someone, you must have marriage in mind. Are you ready to get married now?
THey seem nice, but in their hearts they are just people, who will gossip and slander you and your b/f behind your back if you end up with him.
Also, JWs are cautioned against anyone who is not a JW, They call em "worldly" and look down upon you, unless you start studying.
Do you really want them to pass judgement about you without even knowing you? They will. Also about curbing music, movies, entertainment of any kind...they want all your entertainment to be "wholesome", eg Rated PG or Pg-13 movies, music with any cursing is a no-no, or anything that might make you think.
Did you know, that if your a JW and you visit this site, and someone from the congregation finds out, they can disfellowship (throw someone out and not associate with them) . They refer to us as apostate, that is: not in accord with God and his teachings.
Just some thoughts, welcome to the board!