I could REALLY use some help right now....

by babygrl4903 74 Replies latest jw experiences

  • shamus
    They don't know how active I am in my religion.

    It just doesn't matter. You are not in the 'right' religion, and they consider everyone else to be under Satan's control.

    Read that paragraph with that picture of the woman smoking. That is what your 'religion' is. You are a 'pagan'. All 'false' religion will be destroyed very soon!

    Doesn't sound reasonalbe, does it? It shouldn't.

  • babygrl4903

    Thanks Melbatoast

    I know that him being with me is considered not right. The elders have already confronted him about it when they first found out.

    I still don't understand the movie thing. I mean, my boyfriend and his friends go to see R rated movies and stuff. so unless they are lieing about what movies they are seeing, no one seems to care. and his friends don't seem like the type that would go see the movies if they weren't suppose to. I dunno though...you know more than me. I just think its odd that they would if they weren't suppose to.

    As for looking down on me, I know they do. I know I am not accepted and I know our relationship is not accepted. Its so hard on us. I also know that they believe that if you are dating you have to be planning for marriage. (His friends used that as one of their back ups as to why he shouldn't be dating me and how it was pointless coz hes too young to think about that) And like I say to everyone else, I know this is going to sounds dumb coz of our age but we really do have the intent to get married out of high school (if we can figure out this mess by then).....

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    I was 16 and in love once. I remember what it feels like, and I won't tell you that you're too young to be in love. I will tell you that 16 years old is much too young to consider making a commitment that will alter the course of your life forever, especially when that decision is colored by young love.

    In lieu of offering you my opinion on what you should do, I can ask you to think on a few simple questions.

    1. Are you willing to let any of your future children die rather than take a blood transfusion? If you are, and in the future the organization reverses their position on the blood doctrine due to the emergence of 'new light' (their buzzword for doctrine changes), are you willing to accept that the change was divine direction from God himself and not be resentful that your child died under the 'old understanding'?

    2. Are you willing to stop celebrating all regular holidays (No Christmas, no birthdays, no easter, no halloween, no thanksgiving, no national holidays, no mothers/fathers day, etc), and to give up celebrating any form of those days with your 'normal' family?

    3. Are you willing to take as truth any mandate handed down in the publications of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and follow them without question, knowing that keeping all of your new friends is conditional upon your acceptance of all the doctrine? Are you willing to believe that anything said by the Watchtower is looked upon as direct communication from Jesus Christ to his people here on earth?

    4. Are you willing to voluntarily enter into a contract with an organization (your baptismal vows will require you to pledge your allegiance to the society as God's sole channel of communication on earth)? Are you then also willing to, if at any point in the future you begin to question their teachings, break that contract and be shunned by all your 'christian brothers and sisters'?

    5. Are you willing to ignore all the negative information you've found regarding Jehovah's Witnesses as the voice of Satan attempting to deter you from the 'truth'? A JW will tell you that anything anti-JW is blasphemous and not to be trusted, and that they have the ultimate 'truth'. As a JW you will not be allowed to read or research anything that is not in line with their teachings--their own writing strictly forbid it.

    If you can answer an honest 'Yes' to each and every one of these questions then I suggest you continue that bible study right away and work toward baptism in the hopes that you'll marry this boy someday.

    If any of these same questions give you pause, continue your search for information, and listen to the instinct that guided you to research the matter in the first place. Once you are a witness, you will be forbidden to engage in "independent thinking" so take this time to do as much of it as you can before making any decisions.

    I wish you the very best, and hope that you follow the path that is right for you.

  • Celia

    Hi Babygrl,

    You went to a meeting in a Kingdom Hall with your JW boyfriend.... Good for you, doesn't hurt to see what their meetings are all about...

    Now ask him to join you for the midnight mass on Christmas eve in your neighborhood Catholic church....

    And come back here to report his answer, please.

  • babygrl4903

    I know Shamus, I agree. It doesn't sound reasonable. The way I see it is that we are all looking up to the same god. Just coz they follow the bible more closely than other religions (in regards to doing everything it says to do) doesn't mean that people of other religions do not have as much faith in him. I don't think that any religon should be considered the "right" religion coz at the end of the day we all believe in the same god. I said that to my b/f. He said that the reason why is coz in the bible it says to do all the things that they do and if you are not doing that then you are not serving god like he wants and thats the least we can do since he gave up his only son for us.

    see, this is where it gets tough. two good, logical point!

  • shamus

    I just hope that you don't take what I said for granted. Ask them for an explanation. Get the other side of the argument from the 'organization'.


    All quotes are from they're publications. Find out for yourself. Remember, we are 'apostate', although I am still considered a baptised witness.

  • babygrl4903


    I would love to invite him to a mass at my church but that would never happen. It may not have been a big deal for me to go with him to a meeting of his but if he went to a mass with me....well, that would be a HUGE no-no. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't see that being as acceptable as me going with him was. Not from what I have heard so far anyways.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    The way I see it is that we are all looking up to the same god. Just coz they follow the bible more closely than other religions (in regards to doing everything it says to do) doesn't mean that people of other religions do not have as much faith in him.

    This is the reason you need to do more research. Who told you they follow the bible more closely than other religions? They did, didn't they? What they are really saying is that their interpretation of the bible is the only correct one, and the rules that they've made up based on it are the only ones that will allow you salvation.

    They believe that all other religions are false and that only Jehovah's Witnesses will remain after God destroys the earth someday. Everyone else will be killed and have their eyes plucked out and eaten by birds. They wait with vigilance for this day when God will destroy 99% of the earth's population so that they can live on it forever in paradise.

    Ask yourself this: Can you truly, honestly, without reservation love and serve someone who threatens to kill you if you don't?

  • frenchbabyface

    BabyGirl please considere what SARA ANNIE SAID (point by point) ... It talks !

  • Disheartened

    Hi babygyrl..Welcome.

    I think it was a VERY smart move on your part to do some investigating before you study and/or join the JW's. I am young also (a little older than you ..in my early 20's). From my personal experience (and many others I'm sure), it was a not a picnic in the park. I don't mean to be negative-just want to give you the facts. As a teen, I was strongly discouraged from going to college-when I went against the grain to go anyway, I was considered "bad association"-meaning, others in the congregation were told not to associate with me. My crime?? Wanting to have a better education and perhaps have a decent living. Let's not even talk about not being able to celebrate your birthday (can be depressing, especially if you're used to it), celebrating Christmas (really makes you feel like an outsider everywhere you go) and other crazy things. Women, are not highly valued in this religion either. If you go to the meetings, you will soon see what I mean. But, I know you have to see for yourself. I probably wouldn't believe it either-had I not seen it with my own eyes and experienced it. Did you also know that they teach that when "Armageddon" comes, anyone who is not a JW will be destroyed (as in killed) by God?? Crazy stuff. I wish you the best, Babygyrl!

    Take Care,


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