Thank you... and may you all have peace!
Truly, this is NOT rocket science, but pure "elementary things" and there are at least two accounts that PROVE that Michael and my Lord are not one and the same. The first is in the book of Daniel, Chapter 10, verses 4 through 7, 12-14, and 21, and the second at Revelation 1:10-15 and 4:1, 2. Here, Daniel sees my Lord, as proven by his description of the vision: face with appearance of lightning, eyes like fiery torches, hips girded, feet of copper... voice... "like the sound of a crowd."
Although the "Society" has falsely taught that the One seen by Daniel is Ezekiel, that is a LIE, for this is the SAME one seen by John at Revelation 1:13-14. Thus, the person Daniel saw... was NOT Gabriel stating that he had no one like Michael... but MY LORD... who stated he had no one like Michael. That is why Daniel asked, at Daniel 10:17:
"So how was the servant (speaking of himself) of this MY LORD (speaking of my Lord), able to SPEAK with this MY LORD (speaking of my Lord)?"
The language here is confusing to some because how we speak TODAY... is far removed from how sentences were formally spoken then. Even when I attempt to speak in the "language" of my Lord here... some have quite a bit of difficulty, believing me to be... ummmm... condescending. It is not so, however, but merely FORMAL. Thus, Daniel asked:
"How am I, your servant, even able to speak to you, the Lord, MY Lord?"
Because in ancient times one NEVER addressed a KING directly on. Please review Abraham and Moses speaking with the Most Holy One of Israel. Moving on...
MICHAEL... is NOT an "arch" or "chief" angel... but an ARK (arche; arke; ark) angel... one of the CHERUBS... OF THE ARK. There were TWO... Michael... and the one that is now called "Satan and Devil." Both were to "keep their faces toward the PROPITIARY," which is my Lord. Michael "stood fast" in his position; SATAN... did NOT "stand fast"... in the TRUTH.
The Israelites were told to make an "ark"... a holy dwelling place... "after the pattern" Moses was given of what existed "in the heavens" -
1. It had a "cover"... or "propitiatory" - Exodus 25:17; 1 John 2:2
2. And TWO cherubs, "covering" the propitiatory, with their faces "toward the cover" - Exodus 18-20; Ezekiel 28:14; Hebrews 9:5
And while my Lord's voice... is like that of a crowd... and the Father's is "as many waters,"... MICHAEL's voice... is like that of a TRUMPET. Why? Because his JOB... is to announce the ARRIVAL... of the KING. Which is WHY... my Lord arrives "with the voice of a trumpet!" The ERROR here is that the Society has falsely taught that such voice belongs to my Lord, when in fact, it belongs to "God's trumpet," Michael.
Matthew 24:31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16
That is why in JOHN's vision... he hears Michael's voice FIRST... and THEN my Lord:
1. "By inspiration, I came to be in the Lord's day and I heard behind me a strong voice, like that of a TRUMPET." - Revelation 1:10
2. "And I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me... and I saw... someone like a son of man... and HIS voice... was "AS THE SOUND OF MANY WATERS." - Revelation 1:12-15
3. So that John GOES ON to say, at Revelation 4:1, 2, when the vision began:
"After these things I saw, and look!, an opened door in heaven, and the FIRST voice that I heard [that] was AS OF A TRUMPET speaking with me, saying "Come on up here, and I shall show you the things that must take place."
How do we know that this was NOT my Lord? Because John's account tells us:
1. "A revelation of JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, which God gave HIM... and HE sent forth his ANGEL and presented it..." Revelation 1:1
2. "Well, I, John, was the one hearing and seeing these things. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship BEFORE THE FEET OF THE ANGEL that had been showing me these things. But he tells me: 'Be CAREFUL! DO NOT DO THAT! All I am is a FELLOW SLAVE of you and your brothers who are prophets..." - Revelation 22:8, 9
The second account goes to say that the angel told John to "worship" God, but you cannot worship God without worshipping His Son; thus says the NEW "song." Yet, the angel himself warned John against worshipping HIM. - Revelation 5:8-10
Michael, dear ones, is NOT the Son of God; he is NOT my Lord - he is a FELLOW slave of my Lord, a cherub "of the ark" (arkangel)... one of several cherubs... and "the Angel of God."
I, SJ, have shared it with you just as it has been given to me from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies.
I bid you peace... as well as ears to hear and eyes to see... if you truly wish it.
A slave of Christ,