Do you want the real truth or not?

by Jason 175 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    FINALLY! My prayers have been answered!

    Thanks you Jason, for appearing in my life, it is a miracle! NOW my life will have meaning and purpose! Look for my will be coming soon

    Blind faith can justify anything~Richard Dawkins, The selfish gene

  • Prisca


    Don't get too excited. He's not offering anti-aging cream!

  • TweetieBird

    Jason, this board has never, to my knowledge, proclaimed itself to be "the Truth." Rather, it is a place for JW's, ex-JW's, wounded JW's and those that have had doubts about the Watchtower Society being Jehovah's channel for mankind to come and exchange stories.

    We come hear as an outlet. For some of us, like me, who were raised in the borg, it is refreshing to chat with others who share the same feelings. Growing up in the borg, we were never allowed to do that. For others that were assimilated later on in life, they meet others with the same perspective on the borg.

    However, if you feel like this is nothing but a board full of liars, maybe you should start your own, since you seem to have cornered the market on "Truth."

  • zev

    Must be a member of the governing body...
    and we all know THEY have the "TRUTH".

    N O T

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • Jason

    What's the matter with you people. Someone wants to help the lost find the light and you attack him like a bunch of rabbid dogs like he's claiming to me the messiah?

    "When did you become the sole dispenser of truth" or "This site doesn't claim to be the truth."

    First of all you are assuming things that aren't true by what I post here, then answering with your own opinions to put me down because you believe I don't have the truth.

    Hey 'funkyderek', Show me where I ever said I was the sole dispenser of truth? I am A "dispenser of truth." One of many.

    Scorpion, no Jesus is not an angel, a chief prince, an archangel, or a god. He is the Son of God. He is God incarnate. And I am not a JW so stop trying. I know all about the Watchtower's inconsistencies and false prophecy. I'm not here to brainwash people.

    And "mommy", lose the attitude. You already seem to know everything and you don't have a question for me, so you don't belong here.

    Tweetiebird, when did I say this site claimed to be true? Never. But are you telling me it is true? Oh, you're not? Then what are you talking about? I never said the site claimed to be truth, I said it was full of lies. It is isn't it? You should have noticed that by now.

    I didn't say I had the truth so a bunch of sceptics could come call me a liar. If you want to test me ask me some honest questions. But quite acting so 'holier than thou' like you know the truth and I'm just another charismatic fresh convert out to save the universe from the clutches of evil.

    And how can you argue against me simply because I say I know the truth? Obviously you do not believe me. So if anyone else said they had it you wouldn't believe them either. So your philosophy is that either there is no truth, or if you don't know it nobody else does either.

    Honestly, what do you have against the truth? Anyone can come here and just write there opinion as fact no matter how wrong they are and not much attention is given. But one person comes to share some of the knowledge he has about truth and you attack me like you're Santa and I'm cookies and milk.

    [email protected]

  • LDH
    You already seem to know everything and you don't have a question for me, so you don't belong here.

    Shit, talk about the pot caling the kettle black!

    You're the one that doesn't belong here. This is a community, and while we welcome newbies, know-it-alls get a swift kick in the ass and are politely shown the door.

    Hmmmm....A newbie comes in and proclaims to know the 'truth'. It's old, man. Give it a rest.


  • Englishman


    Thank you for calling by.

    Shut the door on your way out.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Jason


    Who's the one who doesn't belong? Once again. Now ask yourself who the real know-it-all is. Because I never claimed to know much at all. I know the truth, but I don't know everything. If you prefer to listen to liars go ahead. And lose the negativity.

    'a newbie comes in and proclaims he knows the truth'...give it a rest.

    So, because I'm a "newbie" I can't know the truth because I haven't been here long enough? What the hell. You seem to get the idea that I'm one of those people who comes barging in here like I think I'm captain america and then gets shot down.

    I may be new to this site, but I am anything but a "newbie." Sorry, I do know the truth and it is quite apparent that you don't.
    So don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    I have a couple questions for all of you.

    Who defines truth?
    When did the dinosaurs die out?
    Can we really trust the Bible?

    And if you have any real questions

    [email protected]

  • riz


    one question: do you look to the bible as your guide?


  • LDH


    you said

    Someone wants to help the lost find the light

    Who the fuck are you to decide who is and who isn't 'lost'? Only a know it all asshole would speak so condescendingly to people he doesn't even know.

    Here are the answers to your questions, BTW.


    Who defines truth?
    WHICH truth?
    When did the dinosaurs die out?
    Who cares?
    Can we really trust the Bible?
    WHICH Bible?


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