It's easy to be bitter. I went through a bitter, angry phase myself, and I don't blame anyone else who's having those feelings now. But as I've said before on this site, I don't hate jw's- they are my brother, my sister-in-law, my nephew, my cousins, my former sweethearts, my dearest and oldest friends; I love them and miss them and want only to help them. What I hate, and hold responsible for more evil than I care to go into now, is the Watchtower Society. Even that, I try not to dwell upon, as it's an unproductive use of my time.
What is productive, is for me to lead a rich, full, and happy life- hopefully, my former "brothers and sisters" in the cong will see that my life didn't come to a screeching halt when I left, I'm not "howling from sheer breakdown of spirit". Maybe someday one of them will have the courage to return my hello on the street, or give me a call on the phone- maybe I can help someone else escape a life of servitude to a false faith, as I did. This can't be accomplished by angry, bitter picketing of assembly halls, or jeers and taunts directed at publishers going door-to-door- that stuff only alienates them and frightens them deeper into the organization.
I guess this could all be summed up by "do unto others, as you would have them do unto you," or "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar."