I suppose if you are fortunate enough to still have a loving and supportive family and access to resources to help yourself heal,
family? what family?
resources? same as eveyone has here, internet.
Maybe the mistake is stereotyping people and assuming we know their reasons for what they do, when all we're doing is guessing.
We dont have to exactly know the "reasons", the point is the person is not balanced. AND whatever created the hurting situation, surely in MOST cases the indiviudal was part of the problem not just merely a powerless victim. Been there done that, more than once
On the other hand, are the JWs continually bashing the flock - Over meeting attendance, field service, blood etc?
just because they do it, it means it is appropriate or even good or neutral for our mental and physical health to do the same.
AND like i have said before it is the cycle that has to be broken at some point. A initial amount of bash can be understood.
The longer it takes the louder it speaks about our so call higher capacity and ability to scape, (did we really scape, or just changed position?)
many witnesses are having a hard time with abusive mates, mental and physical health problems - the list goes on
What is the point? as long as we live in this planet THAT is going to happen to anyone we know jw are not perfect and reason for leaving, they presented and WE pretended an eutopia. It SOUNDED good but lets get real and do our home work before jumping into anything else.
BTW once we are not under obligation to obey parents we could do our "home" work as deep and extensive as we can (could we?)
To what extent did we do our home work regarding jw before joining or after let's say we reached legal age.
Are we wiling to present a Harvard Diploma, with our name on it, to a prospective employer, even if legal, when we have not studied.
I bet most of us did not read the bible completly before we went knocking doors shouting we were MINISTERS and jw trying to TEACH others
then how could we know if jw were right?, if they lied we beleived the lie, so...
to give an example most jw i met could not explain "2520", then they walk out saying FDS is bs, this and that, most of us not even attempted to figure out the central doctrine of jw, what THAT tells about us?
You mention about how "bashing" is a negative action. Perhaps you should begin to look at it from a more positive angle yourself. Why not encourage people to get their justified anger out in as neutral way as possible and also encourage them to build on creating a new, happier self.
Read ALL my previous post above, one them says: "you can still talk about the jw but in a "upbuilding" manner, in a way to get some value out of it."
Read the last two post on page 1 and the second post on page 2 and so on.
actually this very same post is to show ("encourage") that we need to be carefull when we decide anything, not to have to blame others in the future...
But if someone criticizes them they say "get a life."
At this point it is not what "they" (jw) say or do but what we here say or do.
In fact most of us are out because "we" think we know better than jw, but
CONTIUED bash does not show any difference between jw and us,."we"