Are ex-jw's or "apostates" addicted to jw-bashing?

by booker-t 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    Well, One all I can say is that your definition of bashing and mine are completely different.

    it is not MY definition, i quoted the definition directly from a dictionary...

    So you get your definition from a dictionary. I don't share that definition. If you discuss or even complain about what Hitler did to the Jews and others, are you Hitler bashing?

  • one
    If you discuss or even complain about what Hitler did to the Jews and others, are you Hitler bashing?

    could be, but that is an extreme analogy, actually we are talking about jw...

    I am inclined to think that those who bash jw for a long period of time after coming out of the religion are inclined to complaint (not only about jw) or to be critical in a purely negative sense

  • steve2
    I am inclined to think that those who bash jw for a long period of time after coming out of the religion are inclined to complaint (not only about jw) or to be critical in a purely negative sense

    Could be the case, I suppose. Or it could be a genuine reflection of the degree of oppression and mistreatment they endured from fellow JWs. Each case is different and the ability to move of varies as a function of so many different factors. I suppose if you are fortunate enough to still have a loving and supportive family and access to resources to help yourself heal, you may spend less time "complaining" to use your term. Then again, the JWs as a whole consist of many who complain about the "old system of things". So, it seems hypocritical to accuse apostates of being complainers. This does seem like a double standard. Maybe the mistake is stereotyping people and assuming we know their reasons for what they do, when all we're doing is guessing.

  • eyeslice

    On the other hand, are the JWs continually bashing the flock - Over meeting attendance, field service, blood etc?

    Additionally, many of the things that have been experienced here are happening again and again day after day. Although I am out, I still have enough contact through family and friends to know that many witnesses are having a hard time with abusive mates, mental and physical health problems - the list goes on - but receive little or no understanding and help from elders.

    As long as the WTBTS persist in their current dogma and manner, the will continue to be bashed.



  • outbutnotdown


    I met a guy a few years ago who said that if he could "push a button and destroy every single Jehovah's Witness", he would. (I asked him to leave my house and come back only after he changes his viewpoint.) So, yeah, what you are saying has some credence to it. However people that go to that extreme are few and far between.

    This guy was still the guy who showed me the UN scandal, the Malawi/Mexico double standard, etc. He was not all bad, although I do think he should get help with his anger/hatred. Personally, I think I was wise enough to see the facts that he presented, but also objective enough to know that his attitude was a little skewed.

    I would suggest that almost all people here are of the same abilities to see the big picture as I am.

    You mention about how "bashing" is a negative action. Perhaps you should begin to look at it from a more positive angle yourself. Why not encourage people to get their justified anger out in as neutral way as possible and also encourage them to build on creating a new, happier self.

    IMO, most are already doing that, but a little encouragement never hurts.


  • iiz2cool

    Funny. JWs spend their entire existance whining, complaining, and bashing other religions, governments, businesses, the medical profession, education, the media, entertainment, and just about everything they don't control. But if someone criticizes them they say "get a life."


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Booker T

    In my case; TALKING about your life as a JW to someone who has had the same experiences as you; is good therapy; supportive and healthy. It is called "camaraderie".

    We are not necessarily Bashing anyone or anything.

    You might want to tell your mom, that some of us that were raised in that religion and had no other choice have a comparison to make. When we were of an age to think for ourselves; we made our own decisons about our life. In hindsight we found the jw teachings to be ; manipulative and having a negative impact on our lives


  • frenchbabyface

    Funny. JWs spend their entire existance whining, complaining, and bashing other religions, governments, businesses, the medical profession, education, the media, entertainment, and just about everything they don't control. But if someone criticizes them they say "get a life."

    Right ... so what do they espect ? understanding, compassion, whatever ...
  • FlyingHighNow
    I am inclined to think that those who bash jw for a long period of time after coming out of the religion are inclined to complaint (not only about jw) or to be critical in a purely negative sense

    Maybe your point would be better made if you edited your above statement to read more like this:

    My concern is that the longer you rehash the harm done to you by the WTBTS, the less it helps you. I believe, and it is strictly an opinion, that it's healthier to reach a point where you no longer need to make complaints and you can move on.

    Using the word bash is extreme. It helps no one. It implies that we do not have legitimate reasons to speak of our pain and suffering and to warn others of the evil WTBTS, the angel of darkness that comes as an angel of light. An angel that has harmed untold millions of people and will continue to do so if we don't keep speaking out.

    If you discuss or even complain about what Hitler did to the Jews and others, are you Hitler bashing?

    could be, but that is an extreme analogy, actually we are talking about jw...

    It's not extreme. Both came under the guise of benefactors and both caused the deaths and suffering of thousands and millions of people.
  • Swan
    Do you think that ex-jw's are addicted to jw-bashing and can we ever get over it and move on with our lives and not bash the WTS? Do you think that you can go a week without jw-bashing?

    When the Watchtower Society quits bashing apostates in print and during their assembly talks, I might think about it. Until then, I won't be hypocritical by claiming that their only purpose in life is their constant attacks on ex-JWs. Tammy

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