v. intr. Informal
- To engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.
Harsh. Well, let's see, harsh would mean over doing the criticizm. Rarely do I see anyone overdoing their criticizm of the org. The org. made their bed. Now they have to lie in it. Yes people are critical of them, and sometimes the criticism hits hard and heavy, but it's all true. You don't say, "Well, let's give old Charlie Manson a break now. He's been in prison his whole life nearly. I guess what the Tate/Labianca murders weren't so bad after all. Here, have a daisy and let's dance." What Charles Manson and his family did were horrible and I bet that the Tates and other family members still talk about it to this day. I doubt they say flowery, kind things about Manson.
Accuse. That's something you do when it might or might not be true. Like in a murder trial, the defendant is often referred to as the accused. Why? Because it hasn't been proven yet whether the accused is guilty. We all know the WTBTS if guilty. We are stating facts here, not accusations.
Threatening. I rarely read anything here that is threatening to the witnesses. I do often read about witnesses threatening ex or current jws with shunning, etc. My own dear nephew threatened to shun my never-been-a-jw-daddy if he ever mentioned my daughter or me to him again. Boy was my dad upset about that, too. He put my nephew back in his place right away.
Your definition just doesn't apply here.
What is really is going on is a lot of people who were hurt are telling about it: warning others about the danger. It's like saying, "Wow, I went down the road and I was attacked by a wolf pack. They chewed me up and spit me out. I spent a year in the hospital. I am very angry with the Zoo for not securing their cage better. I still limp and I'm blind in my left eye. My daughter is traumitized from seeing the whole thing. She's upset because I forced her to go with me on that walk in the first place.I now have thousands of dollars in medical bills and I have to go to therapy once a week. Thank you so much for taking me into your support group." Are you going to tell this person he is zoo bashing or wolf bashing or whining? Will you tell a brother in Malawi that he's whining after he's lost his entire family and then read Crisis Of Conscience?
And how do you know the severity of what any of us have been through? Some of us have not posted our whole stories. Are you going to tell parents whose child has died, from bleeding to death, to stop their whining? When years later they still feel the pain, miss the child and have just figured out the blood issue is bull$hit?
I think you hope that all of us are making progress on our journey to healing. Well, talking about it helps us. Warning others helps us. Finding humor, even dark humor in our experience makes us laugh. Laughter can be very healing.