Are ex-jw's or "apostates" addicted to jw-bashing?

by booker-t 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    Otherwise it is ammunition for the jw , they going to point to the "whinin" the bible talk about "see that's they are no longer with us", "they have shown what they really are" etc etc

    but anyhow we think if feels good to blame the other party, jw refer to that as not being "mature"

    Who the hell cares what JWs think? Sorry, but I don't see your comparison of leaving the jws to a divorce. The organization has a few good people in it. Those people would be good if they'd never become JWs. For the most part, the WTBTS organization is evil and it does evil to millions of people daily. It needs to be exposed for what it is. If we can save even one person and his/her family from the murderous clutches of the org. then all the time we spend here is not wasted.

    You don't think the org. is evil? Let's see: there is Malawi verses Mexico/political party card verses military marching card for starters. Then move on to people dead from the on again off again organ transplant policy. Then there are the families who have been broken apart by the shunning policy. You only need to be irregular in meeting attendance, even for good reasons, to be shut out.

    I'm sure there's a thread here, somewhere on JWD that lists most of the evil atrocities of the WTBTS.

    You don't want to hear that I am upset over my two siblings and nephews, that are no longer a part of my life, because of shunning? I am not disfellowshipped. I am not DAd.

    How ignorant, unfeeling and ridiculous of you to call the exposing of the ongoing suffering of millions of current and exjws whining. Besides that, plenty of us read here and had to admit what was being said was true. And plenty of us were set free because exJWs had the courage to tell the truth.

    May all of us keep telling the truth about "the truth". If jws don't like it, they can kiss both sides of our collective a$$e$.

  • one

    Telling the truth about "the truth". is one thing, bashing and merely complaining or whinin is another, i think.., is not even good for your health, and i still need to see a case in which by pure antogonic confrontation anything good come out of it.

  • outbutnotdown
    if we really think we found freedom them why so much negativity which is only going to hurt us in the long run.

    you can still talk about the jw but in a "upbuilding" manner, in a way to get some value out of it.


    Your logic is simplistic and narrow-minded. No offense, just thought I would be as direct as you for emphasis.

    Sometimes we do the same thing two different ways and realize that one way is better than the other. To beat ourselves up over making the determination that one way was "bad" is not positive.

    It is kind of ironic that you seem to think that you are helping people here by telling them to not be so negative. Isn't that condemnation of us in itself a little negative?!?!


  • FlyingHighNow


    Now that my rant it over with, I must say that one of the reasons I was so miserable in the org was because of not being able to speak up about the wrongs being taught and committed all around me and to my family, friends and me. We weren't allowed to speak freely about anything like that. <.....This you know. Lots of us lead much healthier, happier lives now that we have left the org. I don't know about others here, but I rarely find a need to mention JWs to people that never were JWs. I have better things to think about, talk about and do with my time. But, it is theraputic for me to meet with former JWs here. We all have lost so many of our friends and our families to the borg. But the Governing Body cannot take away our comradery here. They cannot keep us from "fellowshipping" to use a nauseating word. They don't have that power over us.

    Are we addicted to JW bashing? No, not at all. Are we addicted to this forum? Yeah, I think a lot of us are. But lots of people all over the world are members of internet forums that have nothing to do with JWs and they are addicted to their forums, too. I bet the Fender Stratocastor forum members talk an awful lot about guitars. I am sure the Victims of Astigmatism Forum members talk about astigmatism. And the Ladies Quilting Forum members discuss quilting.

  • one


    Isn't that condemnation of us in itself a little negative?!?!

    first, i think i am included myself (us) to some extent.

    second, the "negative" within the context is "bashin", which i "try" to stay away from

    bash = engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.

    third, i mentioned that assuming a negative attitude is bad for our healh and THAT is "positive" to know.


    We weren't allowed to speak freely about anything like that.

    sticking the topic, once we are free to talk, it is ok to bash for a while but become ADDICTED, not to "speak freely" but to bash is what may signal the need for some introversion, if you will, reading some selfhelp book or visiting a professional

    Are we addicted to JW bashing? No, not at all.

    You can speak for yourself but the "paper trail" is available to provide the answer with demostrative evidence

  • FlyingHighNow
    You can speak for yourself but the "paper trail" is available to provide the answer with demostrative evidence

    Well, One all I can say is that your definition of bashing and mine are completely different. Live and let live.

  • steve2
    Who the hell cares what JWs think?

    I agree absolutely. My life was ruled by them when I was one of them and I will not let what they think of me now rule my life. So, they see what I do as negative. So what?

    When people learn to assert themselves and speak out against something, family members often complain, "What's wrong with them? Why can't they be their old self again? What's got hold of them?" So too with the JWs: They much prefer that ex-JWS fade right away and keep quiet. Speaking out is part of the growing and healing process. It sure beats suppressing one's feelings and taking it out on one's own self. Speaking out is empowering!

  • FlyingHighNow
    Speaking out is empowering!

    Amen, Brother Steve2! Yes it is indeed.

  • one

    So, they see what I do as negative. So what?

    I was having in mind jw family members... many here wish they could do something about their jw family,

    jw family members usually "watch" at a distance, but if some don't care about realtives or what they think about us, so let it be.

  • one
    Well, One all I can say is that your definition of bashing and mine are completely different.

    it is not MY definition, i quoted the definition directly from a dictionary...

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